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    Freshwater makers from Wärtsilä

    Also known as 'Serck Como'

Notice of Product Discontinuation:

The Wartsila Water and Waste business has taken the strategic decision to cease manufacturing of traditional flash evaporator desalination products (MSF, SSD & HiTE product designations).

As cruise vessels have become more efficient through better power management systems, the reduced residual heat available to power traditional freshwater systems has resulted in owners moving to reverse osmosis (RO) technology.

For the avoidance of doubt, all existing aftermarket support remains in place to support every fresh water system supplied.


While Wartsila has discontinued the production of traditional flash evaporator desalination products, we remain committed to supporting the maritime industry's evolving freshwater needs.

Our Reverse Osmosis (RO) solutions will continue to be available; however, they will be manufactured strictly on a case-by-case basis, ensuring that each system is tailored to meet the specific operational and technical requirements of our customers.

This approach allows us to provide optimized, energy-efficient water solutions while maintaining the highest standards of reliability and lifecycle support.

For further inquiries on Wartsila RO solutions, please contact our sales team.


Horizontal inner Tube Evaporator, HiTE, by Wärtsilä Water & Waste, Marine Freshwater Generator
Single Stage Desalinator Wärtsilä,  back side view - right angle, fresh water production in the marine, desalinating sea water for potable water on board of ships & offshore platforms
MSF flash evaporator, marine desalination plant with lowest lifecycle cost in the market. Up to 1500 tons/day
Reverse Osmosis Plants by Wärtsilä Water & Waste. Freshwater makers for marine and offshore applications