Rocks & mirror
Encyclopedia of Marine and Energy Technology

5803 results


Vessels which benefit from an aerostatic force generated by a downward air current. See also hovercraft.


A ship intended for carriage and/or storage of special material and equipment and/or which is used to provide facilities and assistance for performance of specified activities, such as offshore, research and underwater activities.


The large deep-sea freezer-factory trawler HELEN MARY has a flush upper deck with a threetiered superstructure covering most of the aft two-thirds of the vessel.


An apparatus used to produce steam, either for the main propulsion or for auxiliary machinery. A boiler is, in general, any closed liquid-containing vessel to which heat is applied


The amount of liquid that is evaporating from a cargo due to heat leakage and expressed in % of total liquid volume per unit time.


An onboard reliquefaction system that recovers boil-off gas in LNG carriers and returns it to the cargo tanks.


BOG combustion systems are used only onboard LNG carriers. Excess BOG is sent to the engine room via gas heaters by low capacity compressor and is burned by the main boilers as fuel.


A decked structure on the freeboard deck extending from side to side or with the side plating not inboard of the shell plating more than 4% of the breadth (B), (ICLL).


The deepest waterline to which a merchant vessel is legally allowed to be loaded within certain specified geographical zones in the summer months, (ICLL).


LNG tankers are designed to carry natural gas in liquid form at a temperature of – 163°C, close to the vaporization temperature.


Built by McDermott’s Shipyards, USA, the sulphur tanker has four holds fitted with selfsupporting, insulated tanks, able to carry cargo at temperature between 127°C and 138°C.


The ship sections obtained by planes perpendicular to the centreline. They are drawn on a body plan and form part of the lines plan.


A tanker designed to carry molten sulphur at high temperature, in independent, insulated tanks.


The most luxurious and spacious of all shipboard accommodation.


A large hollow steel pipe forced into the seabed by means of a pump connected to the top of the pipe, creating a pressure difference.


Built in China at Jin Ling shipyard, and outfitted in Spain at Factorias Vulcano shipyard, BOA DEEP C is believed to be the world largest construction vessel.


A self-propelled craft capable of carrying personnel and/or passengers while operating underwater, submerging, surfacing and remaining afloat.


The system of loading of a shuttle tanker directly from the production platform developed by Statoil and the Maritime Consulting Group.


An arc welding process that uses an arc or arcs between a bare metal electrode or electrodes and the weld pool.


The greatest projected moulded length of that part of the ship at or below deck or decks limiting the vertical extent of flooding with the ship at the deepest subdivision loadline.