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A compartment in the accommodation area provided for a passenger or member of the ship complement. With most cabins having their own private toilets, the location of these is important.
1. A rope or chain connecting a vessel to the anchor. 2. Wire or rope primarily used for mooring a ship.
A cable assembly is the composition of one or more electrical cables and their corresponding connectors.
Arrangement of two or more cables laid parallel and touching one another.
Currents which are a result of capacitance in the cables.
The cable diverter is sited aft of the cable drum engine and ensures the proper cable deflection and retainment during pick-up operations. This will ensure that the cable fleeting is maintained over 180° of the drum-fleeting ring.
Installation and maintenance of a submarine cable is a complex operation requiring sophisticated tools. The primary cable handling equipment of a typical cable-layer is designed...
- Cable laying – When laying off, the primary need is to control the speed and tension at which the cable departs the ship. This control is done by means of cable machines:
A cable harness, also known as a wire harness, wiring harness, cable assembly, wiring assembly or wiring loom, is an assembly of electrical cables or wires which transmit signals or electrical power.
A cable landing point is the location where a submarine or other underwater cable makes landfall.
According to the Maritime Reporter December 1998 The SEGERO was built in 1998 by Hanjin Heavy Industries Co. for Korea Submarine Telecom.
According to MER April 2002 The 3250dwt stern working cable vessel was built by Van der Giessen-de Noord BV, The Netherlands, in 2001.
Steel casting in the form of a deeply-grooved drum with whelps which engage the links of the anchor chain.
The point at which the submarine cable connects into the land-based infrastructure or network.
In the electrical wiring of buildings, a cable tray system is used to support insulated electrical cables used for power distribution, control, and communication.
A special ship designed to perform cable operations such as repair, laying and ploughing, usually combined repair-and-layer ship.
Coastal trade, i.e. transport of goods by ship between ports along the same coast or between ports within the same country. Many nations, including the United States...
Cadmium telluride (CdTe) photovoltaics describes a photovoltaic (PV) technology that is based on the use of cadmium telluride in a thin semiconductor layer designed to absorb and convert sunlight into electricity.
The process in which the readings of an instrument are compared to some standard or known value.
A gas with an accurately known concentration that is used as a comparative standard in analytical instrumentation.