Rocks & mirror
Encyclopedia of Marine and Energy Technology

5803 results


The Bow Steering Module (BSM) is a pusher assistance boat driven by two Voith Schneider® Propellers. Its main function is to generate steering forces at various points on the group of vessels being pushed, preferably at the bow...


A unit of measurement of kinematic viscosity when a Redwood viscosimeter is used. Standard temperatures of 21°C for lubricating oil and 37°C for fuel oils are used.


Heavy impact resulting from a vessel forward bottom making sudden contact with the sea surface after having risen on a wave.


Duplication of various machinery and systems forming a part of the propulsion system.


Ships which are required to go astern for long distances are provided with flap rudder integrated into the bow. See also Rotary bow rudder system.


The provision of equipment or components which are surplus to operational requirements in order to continue operation after a failure.


Equipment used to convert the output shaft revolutions of the main engine to those required to rotate the propeller.


A system of loading used on shuttle tankers to transfer crude oil from FPSO.


A guidance tool developed on the basis of seakeeping model test results. BFE at a station x = X/Lbp tan@, x = distance from midships, @ = the smallest angle of flare against waterplane at the station.


A valve which is designed to maintain a lower constant fluid pressure at outlet, regardless of the inlet conditions.


The spreading out of the forebody form from the central vertical plane with increasing rapidity as it rises from the waterline to the rail. Ships with an excessive bow flare are exposed to much higher sea loads than previously expected.


A watertight part of the ship forebody that can be opened to provide clear access to the bow ramp. Bow doors are used on ro-ro ferries to enable handling of freight on drive-through basis;


The document for recording all parameters changes, including components and engine settings, which may influence NOx emission of the engine.


An organization with appropriate expertise in security and anti-terrorism matters recognized by the Administration and authorized by it to carry out assessment, verification, approval and certification activities...


An alternating motion between two extreme points on a fixed path, e.g. up and down motion.


A mark or place at which a vessel comes under obligatory entry, transit, or escort procedure.


Shuttle tanker can be provided with the bow control house, where all navigation and machinery controls are doubled. During all stages of the offshore loading operation a shuttle tanker is controlled from this position.


The crankshaft revolutions per minute at which the rated power occurs as specified on the nameplate and in the Technical File of the marine diesel engine.


A device mounted on tanker forecastle deck for securing a chafe chain. Ships likely to trade to Single Point Moorings should be equipped with bow chain stoppers designed to accept 76 mm chafe chain.


Rasterscan chart is a scanned reproduction of a paper chart.