Rocks & mirror
Encyclopedia of Marine and Energy Technology

5803 results


Rake of keel is defined as the height the keel raises from the after perpendicular to the fore perpendicular.


The departure from the vertical of any conspicuous line in profile such as a funnel, mast, stem contour, etc.


Hard deposit on the interior of a boiler plate or tube. The scale generally contains magnesium and calcium carbonates as well as calcium sulphate derived from the water used.


Fittings on a boiler to ensure its safe operation: safety valves, main steam stop valve, feed check valve, water level gauge, pressure gauge connection, air release cock, sampling connection, blow down valve, scum valve, etc.


A superstructure which extends forward from the aft perpendicular.


Lightweight covers introduced for the first time on hatchcoverless container ship NORASIA FRIBOURG.


Built by HJ Barreras Shipyard in Vigo, Spain, the rail freight ferry ARATERE is intended for the Cook Strait between New Zealand’s North and South islands.


1. The upper rounded edge of the bulwark. 2. A pipeline, usually containing fuel, which is maintained at a particular pressure or acts as a distribution manifold.


A nondestructive testing method which reveals internal defects in metal by exposing a film to X-rays or gamma rays passed through the metal.


A workstation for operating and control of equipment for GMDSS distress and safety communications and general communication.


A land- or lightship-based wireless telegraph station which transmits a regular schedule of signals, from which mobile receiving stations, such as that on board the ship, may take their bearings to determine its direction in relation to the beacon.


The Radio Regulations annexed to, or regarded as being annexed to, the most recent International Telecommunication Convention which is in force at any time, (SOLAS).


He maintains and monitors radio, sends and receives messages. Often maintains electronic navigation equipment.


A radio direction-finding system on board the ship provides the means of establishing the ship position based on the location of fixed transmitting stations.


A means of sending signals through space using electromagnetic waves generated by high frequency, alternating currents, i.e. 15 kHz to 100 MHz.


The whole process of target detection, tracking, calculation of parameters and display of information.


An electronic navigation aid using radio waves sent out as a narrow beam to detect solid objects around the ship.


1. A distortion of the hull structure caused by a strain from a disturbed sea. 2. The deformation of the container end or side frame as a result of static and dynamic forces parallel to the deck.


A variant of the rack and pinion system in which only one panel is propelled by the rack system, the other being opened by a wire led from the driven panel.


A bar with cut teeth for engaging into a pinion. A linear motion of the bar is then converted into a rotary motion of the pinion.