With its 'Set for 30' decarbonisation targets, Wärtsilä has committed to becoming carbon neutral in its own operations and providing a product portfolio ready for zero-carbon fuels by 2030. Recently, Wärtsilä reinforced its 'Set for 30' decarbonisation targets by committing to a new target of reducing 25% of direct suppliers' greenhouse gas emissions by 2030.
Our goal is to become carbon-neutral in our own operations by 2030. The carbon neutrality target covers direct greenhouse gas emissions from the company’s own operations, including the Research & Development and factory engine testing areas (Scope 1), as well as purchased energy (Scope 2).
As part of our decarbonisation efforts, we make action plans annually and monitor their execution throughout the year. In 2024, our GHG emissions decreased by 50% (50,163 tCO2e) compared to the baseline (3-year average from 2019–2021), which is aligned with our carbon neutrality pathway. Our efforts in 2024 focused on low- and medium-cost measures, such as purchasing green electricity, taking low-emission company vehicles into use, and reducing the time needed for R&D and factory engine testing.
In 2024, Wärtsilä continued to purchase green electricity, with over 60% of its total electricity consumption coming from renewable sources. During the year, solar panels were installed at Wärtsilä company locations in Bangladesh, China, India, Japan, the Netherlands, South Africa, Switzerland and the USA. Including installations from previous year, Wärtsilä's sites produced a total of 2,200 MWh of solar power in 2024.
Our target is to provide a product portfolio ready for zero-carbon fuels by 2030. Carbon-neutral fuels can already be used today, and we continue to develop our product portfolio so that zero-carbon fuels, such as ammonia and hydrogen, can be widely used by 2030.
Decarbonisation is a priority in the company’s product and product portfolio development, including abatement technologies. Wärtsilä is developing a broad range of technologies and solutions to support its customers in their decarbonisation transition.
The development of concepts for pure hydrogen for land-based power plants continued throughout 2024. The market release was given in mid-2024, and the concept for industrialisation will be selected during 2025. Progress towards the target is seen to be proceeding well, although details of the plan are continuously being modified according to business needs, market situation, and technology developments.
In 2024, Wärtsilä included a new target under its Set for 30 programme, namely that our suppliers' GHG emissions should be reduced by 25% by 2030 compared to the 2024 baseline. The target covers our Tier 1 direct suppliers and their Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions related to deliveries to Wärtsilä. It is a relative target, for which the baseline is defined by Wärtsilä-allocated GHG emissions and spend. The data for the 2024 baseline will be collected from suppliers during 2025, and the exact methodology for following up on the progress against the target is under development.