Who | SWB Erzeugung |
What | 105 MW flexible CHP power plant |
Where | Germany |
How | EPC (Engineering, procurement & construction) |
MW of electrical output
MW of district heating output
reduction in swb's CO2 emissions
Efficient and sustainable power and heat generation is extremely important, both for our company and for the German energy sector in general. We are going to replace an outdated coal burning plant with a modern, clean, reliable and extremely efficient solution, which will provide the flexibility needed today.
"This new plant will reduce our CO2 emissions by 550 000 tons per year - you would have to plant 40 million trees to get the same effect"
Coal phase-out is imperative in order to fight the climate crisis. In this video Sushil Purohit, President of Wärtsilä Energy, and Dr. Torsten Köhne, CEO of swb Bremen, discuss how the new combined and heat power CHP plant will bring the balance needed between costs, efficiency, reliability, availability and climate protection.
Customer | swb Erzeugung GmbH und Co KG |
Consortium leader | Uniper |
Type | Wärtsilä CHP flexible gas engine power plant |
Operating mode | Flexible baseload in wintertime, flexible peak load in summertime |
Gensets | 9 x Wärtsilä 31SG |
Total output | 105 MW for power + up to 93 MW for district heating |
Fuel | Natural gas |
Scope | EPC |
Lifecycle solution | A 3-year Guaranteed asset performance agreement with an option for seven more years |
Delivery | Mid-2022 |
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Replacing coal with renewable generation and flexibility promises European energy independence, Wärtsilä finds
Wärtsilä & Uniper consortium to build 105 MW combined heat and power plant in Germany