Reference cases by Wärtsilä Energy


Utilities - reference cases

Mexico Federal Electricity Commission
The gas conversion reduced the cost of electricity produced by 50% and also reduced emissions.
Clearway Energy
Supporting the clean energy transition in California and Hawaii
SSE Salisbury_light(1920 x 690 px)
SSE, Salisbury, UK
Unlocking the UK's path towards net-zero and stabilising an increasingly renewable grid
Giga Buffalo
GIGA Buffalo, The Netherlands
Wärtsilä is supplying GIGA Storage BV with a 25 MW / 48 MWh energy storage system, the largest energy storage system...
Lerwick, Shetland Islands, Scotland
Energy storage solution to balance the grid for the Scottish Shetland Islands
Engineer working in Paras Energy power plant.
Paras Energy, Nigeria
Since deciding in 2009 that its three new power plants would operate with Wärtsilä gas engines rather than gas turbines, the...
RECO energy storage system
RECO, Honduras
Wärtsilä storage technology optimises engine plant performance and facilitates renewables integration on the island of Roatan in...
ALTEO group, Hungary
Electric grids are evolving rapidly, disrupted by deregulation, distributed energy resources, renewable portfolio standards,...
swb Bremen CHP power plant
Bremen, Germany
Wärtsilä and Uniper enable a revenue-adding transition from coal to gas for public utility swb Erzeugung in Bremen, Germany. When...
AGL Thumbnail
AGL Energy Limited, Australia Barker Inlet Power Station
A step ahead Down Under – 211 MW Dual Fuel flexible power plant ensuring reliability in...
Benndale, Mississippi, USA
Benndale, Missisippi, USA
Enabling an increase in variable generation with more flexible capacity that can rapidly start up when needed.
Pivot Power-Oxford battery 37-027
Pivot Power, UK
Wärtsilä delivers energy storage solution to support accelerate low-carbon emissions and provide grid balancing services to the UK...
Pointe Monnier, Mauritius
Pointe Monnier, Mauritius
The Central Electricity Board (CEB) of Mauritius improved the performance as well as reduced the operating costs of their...
Timor Leste, Indonesia
Training services improve power plant operator competence levels.
Kaloum 5 - Republic of Guinea
Kaloum 5, Republic of Guinea
Power plant overhaul boosts availability and grid stability.
DREWAG_ (1920 x 690 px)
DREWAG, Germany
Wärtsilä’s state-of-the-art gas engine technology will provide flexibility and black start capability to DREWAG, the local utility...
Centrica power plant aerial image.
Centrica, UK
The rapid growth in renewable energy in the UK has increased the need for flexible power to balance the electricity grid. Wärtsilä has...
Graciosa 1960 x 690 px
Graciosa, Azores, Portugal
A hybrid storage solution integrates and optimises wind, solar, storage and thermal generation assets on the island of...
Pesanggaran - Bali
PLTD Pesanggaran, Bali
Grid stability in Indonesia – 200MW multi-fuel power plant generating reliable electricity in Bali with operational and fuel...
Chambersburg peaking power plant
Increased reliability for Chambersburg peaking power plant.
Delimara (1960 x 690 px)
Delimara power plant 3
Gas conversion reduces power plant emission levels.
Limbe power plant
Power Plant rehabilitation project restores original capacity.
Thumbnail of KMW
Kraftwerke Mainz-Wiesbaden AG
Flexible combined heat and power plant (CHP) in Germany –enabling KMW AG to operate profitably in the increasingly...
Marquette  Power Plant - Michigan - USA
Marquette Energy Center, USA
When the temperature drops to –40 degrees Celsius, blackouts are not an option. In order to secure a reliable energy...
Woodland 3 Generation Station - Modesto
Woodland 3, Modesto, California, USA
The state of California is known for its amazing nature and climate. Being home to beautiful beaches, sandy...
Port Westward Power Plant - Oregon
Portland General Electric, Portland, USA
Wärtsilä’s 50SG engines provide peaking power without efficiency loss in Port Westward Unit 2 in Portland,...
Makuhari Power Plant, Japan
Makuhari, Japan
The growing demand for natural gas as fuel and the increasing importance of environmental values in Japan have encouraged...
Arun - Sumatra, Indonesia
Arun, Sumatra, Indonesia
With a population of nearly 250 million and an economy that has grown at an average of 5.6 per cent a year over the last...
Kipevu II thumbnail
Kipevu II-III, Kenya
The Kipevu II project started in 1996 when the Government of Kenya embarked on a series of major policy reforms, including...
Engineer working in the engine hall (1920 x 690 px)
Valkeakoski, Finland
The energy company Valkeakosken Energia, owned by the City of Valkeakoski in southern Finland, provides its citizens with...
Pearsall Station, Texas, USA
Pearsall Station, Texas, USA
The new energy landscape of the 21-century calls for cleaner, more sustainable energy. Texas has responded to the...
Antelope Station, Texas
Antelope Station, Texas, USA
THE WIND ENABLER RETURNS TO TEXAS The Golden Spread Electric Cooperative debated different back-up power alternatives...
Manisa Power Plant
Manisa, Turkey
Wärtsilä was awarded a major power plant contract for an 85 MW replacement and extension of an existing diesel power plant at Manisa...
Humboldt Bay Generating Station - California
Humboldt Bay Generating Station, USA
The Plant is located in Humboldt County near Eureka in northern California. PG&E selected Wärtsilä's...
Eklutna Generation Station Palmer
Eklutna Generation Station, Palmer, Alaska, USA
"In the event of a natural disaster such as an earthquake, these engines can switch fuels without a...
Kiisa - Estonia
Kiisa, Estonia
Elering, the Estonian transmission system operator, is responsible for managing the Estonian electrical grid. A constant, real-time...