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An offshore unit equipped for crude storage and offloading to a shuttle tanker. Oil from a floating production unit is transferred by a flexible riser and a swivel through the turret.
Semi-submersibles or ship-type offshore mobile units used for exploitation of marginal fields. FPSO provides hydrocarbon processing, storage, and offloading hydrocarbons.
Turret-moored FPSO vessel built by Keppel Fels Singapore for the Varg Field in Norwegian sector of the North Sea. The 16 m-diameter turret is located forward of the midships area in order to provide a passive weathervaning capability.
A novel FPSO that incorporates a drilling facility. The drilling takes place through the turret moonpool from a rig supported directly by the vessel.
The FPV consists of a large deck connected to submerged pontoons by widely-spaced surface-piercing columns. The pontoons provide buoyancy to support platform weight.
Semi-submersible or ship-based system used to exploit the oil fields. The system has three main components: the Floating Production Vessel (FPV); Mooring System and Subsea System, which include the risers and well system.
Oil stored on floating vessels. It has been the practice for oil to be stored in large laid-up oil tankers in order to set off the loss while the tankers are inactive.
A floating structure and the machinery, equipment, and systems necessary for safety, propulsion (if fitted), and auxiliary services.
An offshore facility designed to provide hydrocarbon processing and/or hydrocarbon storage and offloading hydrocarbons.
Equipment employed in spill recovery. Floating booms are used not only for containment of oil but also for deflecting oil away from sensitive areas.
The ability of the vessel to support any weight by means of the hydrostatic pressure acting on the underwater surfaces, giving rise to the buoyancy force.
SEVEN SEAS has been designed by Merwede Shipyard in close co-operation with Subsea 7 and the Huisman-Itrec. The vessel is intended primarily for flexible pipelaying operations with an additional J-lay capability.
To reduce vibration in a geared drive, the flexible coupling needs to be fitted between the engine and gearbox. It allows for some misalignment and controls the torque variations within the system.
Unconventional ship propulsor based on the Magnus effect. Flettner rotor is a vertical cylinder rotated around its axis by a motor.
The angle between the mooring line and a plane perpendicular to the axis of the winch drum.
A minor section of internal deck often without sheer or camber, also known as a platform.
The welding position used to weld from the upper side of the joint at a point where the weld axis is approximately horizontal, and the weld face lies in an approximately horizontal plane.
1. An outward curvature of the side shell at the forward end (bow flare) above the waterline. 2. A night distress signal, (rocket parachute flare, hand flare). 3. A device which disposes unwanted oil or gas by burning.
The lowest temperature at which a liquid gives off sufficient vapour to form a mixture with the air near its surface which, if ignited, will make a small flash, but will not catch fire. It is measured under standardized conditions.
1. The part of a plate or shape bent at right angles to the main part. 2. A circular metal plate with holes formed or fitted on the ends of pipes in order to couple them together.