5803 results
IMO Data Collection System “DCS” defines data that the IMO mandates shipowners collect and report each calendar year.
A global baseline to support societal goals and environmental responsibility consistent with the International Maritime Organization “IMO” ambitions for Green House Gas “GHG” reductions.
A vessel designed to carry dry cargo, loaded into the vessel with no containment other than that of the ship, s boundaries, as distinguished from the liquid bulk carrier or tanker.
The melting of filler metal and base metal (substrate) together, or of base metal only, to produce a weld.
Interior of boiler where fuel is burnt.
A smokestack of a vessel.
Harmful gas produced by fires, chemicals, fuel, etc.
Highest possible speed of a vessel.
Invisible smoke technology is based on fuel-water emulsification (FEW), whereby the heavy fuel or diesel oil is homogenised with fresh water before injection into the engine.
Old vessels, but unfortunately also many new ones, have bunkers in double hull and any shell damage can result in oil spill. This common practice has been stopped by new revised MARPOL Annex I, Regulation 13A.
This system receives and stores fuel and delivers it to settling tanks. Fuel oils are loaded through deck fill connections that have sample connections provided to permit the fuel to be sampled as it is taken aboard.
A measure of resistance of the fuel to flow at a stated temperature. According to ISO, the kinematic viscosity of heavy fuels should be specified in centistokes (cSt = 10-6m2/s) at 100°C.
The equipment used for preparation of oil fuel for delivery to an oil-fired boiler, or equipment used for preparation for delivery of heated oil to an internal combustion engine...
Fuels supplied to a ship must be treated on board before use in order to remove solid as well as liquid contaminants. The solid contaminants in the fuel are mainly rust, sand, dust and refinery catalysts.
Various piping systems, provided for bunkering, storage, transfer, offloading and treatment of fuel oils.
Fuel oils are produced from various crude oils and refinery processes. Due to incompability, such fuels can occasionally tend to be unstable when mixed.
An oil fuel tank that contains only the required quality of fuel ready for immediate use. Two oil fuel service tanks, for each type of fuel used on board, necessary for propulsion and generator systems, are to be provided.
see fuel oil systems.
A new automated two-stage fuel oil supply module developed by Alfa Laval.
A fuel cell power pack consists of a fuel and gas processing system (the balance of plant), and a stack of fuel cells that convert the chemical energy of the fuel to electric power through electrochemical reactions.