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A catamaran with unconventionally shaped hulls: two submarine-like floating bodies lie deep under the water surface and thus create the required buoyancy.
Small wind turbines (wind turbine) also known as Micro Wind are used for microgeneration of electricity, as opposed to large commercial wind turbines, such as those found in wind farms, with greater individual power output.
Small, sealed, transportable, autonomous reactor (SSTAR) is a proposed lead-cooled nuclear reactor being primarily researched and developed in the United States. It is designed as a fast breeder reactor that is passively safe.
Small-scale wind power is the name given to wind generation systems with the capacity to produce up to 50 kW of electrical power.
A smart grid is an electrical grid which includes a variety of operation and energy measures including an advanced metering infrastructure, smart distribution boards, home control and demand response.
Smart lighting is a lighting technology designed for energy efficiency, convenience and security.
A smart meter is an electronic device that records information such as consumption of electric energy, voltage levels, current, and power factor
A fitting for securing the end link of a chafing chain, consisting of two parallel vertical plates mounted on a base with a sliding bolt passing through them.
A mixture of pollutants, principally ground-level ozone, produced by chemical reactions in the air involving smog-forming chemicals.
Smoke can be black, blue, white, yellow or brown in colour. Black smoke is mainly comprised of carbon particulates (soot).
A smoke tube boiler is one in which hot exhaust gas from the engine passes through tubes running within a sealed container of water.
see Shipboard Marine Pollution Emergency Plan.
SNOX process is a process which removes sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and particulates from flue gases.
Part of the three sustainability pillars, the pillar that focuses on the support of its employees and other stakeholders of business sustainability plans.
An organisation dedicated to the promotion of safe and reliable operation of gas tankers and terminals.
An US based non-profit, technical organisation founded in 1893. SNAME is dedicated to promoting the art, science and practice of naval architecture, shipbuilding and marine engineering.
a wind profiler that uses sound waves to measure wind speed at various heights above the ground, and the thermodynamic structure of the lower layer of the atmosphere.
A sodium-cooled fast reactor is a fast neutron (generation IV) reactor cooled by liquid sodium.
Coating which does not dry or which partially dries. It remains soft during its life time.
Analyst Amory Lovins coined the term soft energy path to describe an alternative future where energy efficiency and appropriate renewable energy sources steadily replace a centralized energy system based on fossil and nuclear fuels.