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Signatory: Poseidon Principles ( or Sea Cargo Charter ) is a financial institution (charterer) or ECA that has declared to the Global Maritime Forum, and been accepted, as a member of the Poseidon Principles ( Sea Cargo Charter.)
Power plants that utilise clean burning natural gas through a combustion turbine which drives a generator.
Means of training the crew in the free-fall release procedure of free-fall lifeboats and in verifying the satisfactory function of the free-fall release system without allowing the lifeboat to fall into the sea.
The single point mooring system. A single anchor leg mooring system consists of an anchoring structure with built-in buoyancy at or near the water surface and is anchored to the seabed by an articulated connection.
The shell plating with stiffeners and girders below the upper turn of bilge.
A single-circuit transmission line carries conductors for only one circuit.
The one-fluid design includes a large reactor vessel filled with fluoride salt containing thorium and uranium.
An alternating current electric power in which all of the voltage supplies change in unison. Generally used in light loads such as heating and lighting.
A single point of failure (SPOF) is a part of a system that, if it fails, will stop the entire system from working.
A type of multi-panel hatch cover in which the panels roll along the coaming and tip into stowage. The panels may be driven by a chain drive or pulled by a wire.
A joint that is welded from one side only.
In single-wire earth return (SWER) AC electrical distribution systems, costs are saved by using just a single high voltage conductor for the power grid, while routing the AC return current through the earth.
An inverted U-shaped pipe with unequal legs for conveying liquid over the edge of a container and delivering it at a lower level, utilising atmospheric pressure.
A ship of the same main dimensions, general arrangement, capacity plan and structural design as the first ship in a series.
A deep, vertical, finlike projection on the bottom of a vessel near the stern, installed to support the lower edge of the rudder, to support the propeller shaft for single screw ships, and to support the vessel in a dry dock.
A powered boat used to assist the purse seiner.
They are devices for removing the oil from the sea surface, and can be found in many forms. They may be free-floating, vessel mounted, or held by a crane or other means.
Skin effect is the tendency of an alternating electric current (AC) to become distributed within a conductor such that the current density is largest near the surface of the conductor and decreases exponentially with greater depths in the conductor.
Skin friction is a component of drag, the force resisting the motion of a fluid across the surface of a body.
A downward-extending, flexible structure used to contain or divide an air cushion.