348 results
A drive is an electronic device used to regulate the performance of an electric motor. It works by controlling the power, frequency and current the motor draws from the grid.
A method of speed control for AC generators that controls the prime mover. A reduction or increase in generator output has the opposite effect on the output frequency.
The dry-bulb temperature is the temperature of air measured by a thermometer freely exposed to the air, but shielded from radiation and moisture.
Iron ore, phosphate, coal, grain, sugar etc.
Dry bulk shipping refers to the movement of significant commodities carried in bulk: – the so-called major bulks (such as iron ore, coal, grain), together with ships carrying steel products...
Waste which consists mainly of paper, plastic, wood, fabrics and flowers.
Cargo other than liquid carried in bulk.
Vessel which carries all merchandise, excluding liquid in bulk.
Dry cask storage is a method of storing high-level radioactive waste, such as spent nuclear fuel that has already been cooled in the spent fuel pool for at least one year and often as much as ten years.
A dry cell uses a paste electrolyte, with only enough moisture to allow current to flow.
A flame inhibiting powder used in fire fighting.
Dry distillation is the heating of solid materials to produce gaseous products (which may condense into liquids or solids).
Thickness of the paint film after drying or curing. IMO Resolution MSC.(215)82 defines DFT measurements.
Dry friction is a force that opposes the relative lateral motion of two solid surfaces in contact.
Dry steam is saturated steam that has been very slightly superheated.
Dry steam plants use steam directly from a geothermal reservoir to turn generator turbines.
The type of environmental control, similar to inerting but the nitrogen must be moisture-free.
The dual system is capable of drilling two complete wells at the same time. In practice, in an exploration situation, the dual activity capability enables the auxiliary drilling system to be used to drill the top-hole section...
A GSHP which utilizes two compressors (generally of different capacities) connected to two refrigeration circuits to allow multiple modes of operation.
Dual-fuel engines utilises a lean-burn combustion process.