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drift current is the electric current, or movement of charge carriers, which is due to the applied electric field, often stated as the electromotive force over a given distance.
In physics a drift velocity is the average velocity attained by charged particles, such as electrons, in a material due to an electric field.
Thorough practical training and usually with repetitive exercise. Every crewmember shall participate in at least one abandon ship drill and one fire drill every month.
In the oil and gas industry, a drill bit is a tool designed to produce a generally cylindrical hole (wellbore) in the earth’s crust by the rotary drilling method for the discovery and extraction of hydrocarbons such as crude oil and natural gas.
Heavy, thick-walled tubular couplings which connect the drill bit to the drill pipe.
Rock chippings cut from the formation by the drill bit, and brought to the surface with the mud.
Drill pipe, is hollow, thin-walled, steel or aluminium alloy piping that is used on drilling rigs.
The risers are pipes through which the drill string carries out the drilling function. A marine drilling riser system provides a tubular conduit from the drilling unit to the subsea blow out preventer (BOP) and the wellbore below it.
A drill string on a drilling rig is a column, or string, of drill pipe that transmits drilling fluid (via the mud pumps) and torque (via the kelly drive or top drive) to the drill bit.
Ship serving drilling installations, which are on a ship or a barge for storage, accommodation, etc.
The Driller is a team leader in charge during the process of well drilling.
1. Exploration drilling – The search for hydrocarbons by drilling a hole (well) into the seabed to determine reservoir location and estimate its size. See also Mobile Offshore Drilling Units.
A barge equipped for drilling operations in smooth seas. Normally it is not equipped with its own propulsion machinery. Max. drilling depth approximately 150m.
A drilling tower with turntable and mudpumping system. It may be installed on an offshore rig or placed on a fixed or floating offshore installation like a drillship.
In geotechnical engineering, drilling fluid, also called drilling mud, is used to aid the drilling of boreholes into the earth.
A liquid consisting essentially of betonite, colloidal clay dissolved in either water or fuel oil. Baryte is added as a weighting medium to permit variation of the specific gravity.
The structure that provides a flat surface above the sea where the drilling rig and other facilities are mounted.
A drilling rig is an integrated system that drills wells, such as oil or water wells, in the earth's subsurface.
A drillship is a merchant vessel designed for use in exploratory offshore drilling of new oil and gas wells or for scientific drilling purposes.
We can divide the new drillships designs into three main groups: 1. Ships with no oil storage capability, generally intended for exploration drilling.