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An airshed is a part of the atmosphere that behaves in a coherent way with respect to the dispersion of emissions.
The shape of the blade cross-section, which for most modern horizontal-axis wind turbines is designed to enhance the lift and improve turbine performance
A wind turbine that does not require a mast but is tethered to the ground or a floating pontoon. The tethers require a means to conduct the electricity to the ground.
Airborne Wind Energy Industry Association (AWEIA) was founded in 2009 to serve globally companies and institutions dedicated to converting wind energy for useful loads (airborne wind energy technology) by use of tethered and free-flight aircraft.
Airborne wind energy is the direct use or generation of wind energy by the use of aerodynamic or aerostatic lift devices.
In the linear winding method, a winding is produced by winding the wire onto a rotating coil body, component or coil carrying or coil forming device.
In electronics, a linear regulator is a system used to maintain a steady voltage.
A linear circuit is an electronic circuit which obeys the superposition principle.
Line-commutated indicates that the conversion process relies on the line voltage of the AC system to which the converter is connected in order to effect the commutation from one switching device to its neighbour.
Line regulation is the ability of a power supply to maintain a constant output voltage despite changes to the input voltage, with the output current drawn from the power supply remaining constant.
Limescale is a hard chalky deposit, consisting mainly of calcium carbonate (CaCO3), that often builds up inside kettles, hot water boilers, and pipework, especially that for hot water.
Lignocellulose refers to plant dry matter (biomass), so called lignocellulosic biomass.
Lignite, often referred to as brown coal, is a soft, brown, combustible, sedimentary rock formed from naturally compressed peat.
A lightning rod (US, AUS) or lightning conductor (UK) is a metal rod mounted on a structure and intended to protect the structure from a lightning strike.
Lightning and Earthing protection systems are essential for the protection of humans, structures, protecting buildings from mechanical destruction caused by lightning effects and the associated risk of fire, Transmission lines, and electrical equipment from electric shock and overcurrent.
Lightning is a naturally occurring electrostatic discharge during which two electrically charged regions in the atmosphere or ground temporarily equalize themselves, causing the instantaneous release
The light-water reactor (LWR) is a type of thermal-neutron reactor that uses normal water, as opposed to heavy water, as both its coolant and neutron moderator.
Lighting control systems are employed to maximize the energy savings from the lighting system, satisfy building codes, or comply with green building and energy conservation programs.
Photodetectors, also called photosensors, are sensors of light or other electromagnetic radiation.
A light-emitting diode (LED) is a semiconductor light source that emits light when current flows through it.