Rocks & mirror
Encyclopedia of Marine and Energy Technology

5803 results


The process of conveying a command or order to enable the desired action to be done. - Automatic control – A means of control that conveys predetermined orders without operator action.


A weld that extends continuously from one end of a joint to the other. If the joint is circular, it extends entirely around the joint.


A device used to separate oil from oily water mixtures and from the emulsion. Bilge separators are necessary aboard vessels to prevent discharge of oil overboard while pumping out bilges or while cleaning oil tanks.


A new SOLAS Regulation XI-1/5 requires ships to be issued with a CSR, which is intended to provide an on-board record of the history of the ship.


Stowage of general or special cargoes in a container for transport in the various modes.


An area designated for the stowage of containers; usually accessible by truck, railroad and marine transportation. Containers are picked up, dropped off, maintained and housed there.


Ship motions impose heavy loads on the deck cargo which would soon move unless secured in place. Containers carried on deck may be secured by twistlock alone.


The standard 40ft containers (FEU) are stowed in cell guides without any lashing devices. If there is also a certain number of 20ft units (TEU) available at all time, the creation of a hold with 20ft guides may be considered.


Hatch covers for Panamax ships have stack weights up to 90 tonnes/20ft units and 120 tonnes/40ft units. Post-Panamax vessel could have 100 tonnes/20ft and 140 tonnes/40ft units.


Containers which are stacked vertically and secured horizontally by stackers, lashing etc.


Ships intended exclusively for the carriage of containers and equipped with the appropriate facilities. Such vessels have cellular holds with cell guides attached to bulkheads and container foundations.


Rags that have been saturated with oil. Contaminated rags are those, which have been saturated with a substance defined as a harmful substance in Annexes to MARPOL 73/78.


A mixture with any oil content.


A sensor which must be fitted in oil tanker slop tanks. During pumping of the slop tank, it determines the interface level at a low position and stops further discharge.


A stowage and lashing plan approved by the classification society. It describes the application of the loose lashing equipment and the corresponding weight distributions for all container stacks.


A load sufficient in size to fill a container space either by cubic measurement or by weight.


Fixed and loose fittings used for the reliable securing of containers. - Fixed fittings – Stacking cones, foundations, deck foundations, lashing plates, lashing eyes, lashing pots, d-rings.


A measuring instrument which determines the contents of oil in bilge water. If the permitted level is exceeded, an alarm is activated and the water flow is directed to a slop tank.


The MISSIONTM OS boiler is a vertical oil-fired auxiliary boiler with a capacity range up to 6t/h. It is insulated and assembled as a unit with boiler mountings mounted on the boiler body.


The preparation of fuel oil or lubricating oil for use in a diesel engine. It involves storage and heating to allow separation of any water present, coarse and fine filtering to remove solid particles and also centrifuging to further clean the oil.