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Casting is a manufacturing process in which a liquid material is usually poured into a mold, which contains a hollow cavity of the desired shape, and then allowed to solidify.
Metal pipe inserted into a wellbore and cemented in place to protect both subsurface formations (such as groundwater) and the wellbore.
Generating units are started and stopped according to the load or dispatch request.
Cascading failure is common in power grids when one of the elements fails (completely or partially) and shifts its load to nearby elements in the system.
The Carnot cycle is a theoretical ideal thermodynamic cycle that provides an upper limit on the efficiency that any classical thermodynamic engine can achieve during the conversion of heat into work, or conversely, the efficiency of a refrigerationsystem in creating a temperature difference by the application of work to the system.
When batteries are charged heat is produced. In a Carnot Baterry the produced heat is stored and later used when the heat is discharge is used to produce electricity.
A carburettor is a device that mixes air and fuel for internal combustion engines in an appropriate air–fuel ratio for combustion.
Carbon Tracker is a London-based not-for-profit think tank researching the impact of climate change on financial markets.
The process of capturing and storing atmospheric carbon dioxide.
A cost applied to carbon pollution to encourage polluters to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases they emit into the atmosphere:
A carbon offset is a reduction in emissions of carbon dioxide or other greenhouse gases made in order to compensate for emissions made elsewhere.
Carbon-neutral fuel is energy fuel or energy systems which have no net greenhouse gas emissions or carbon footprint.
Carbon neutrality means having a balance between emitting carbon and absorbing carbon from the atmosphere. This can be acheived by reducing carbon emmissions and capturing carbon or funding carbon capture in other areas creating a zero effect.
During contruction of buildings with a slab floor an area of similar size is and deepr than 1m is insulated on all six sides and pipework is used to transfer solar energy for storage and retrieval.
Gensets consist of a medium-speed prime mover, connected to a generator via a flywheel and coupling, mounted on a common baseframe.
Modern large wind turbines are variable-speed machines.
A machine which converts mechanical power into electrical power for use in an external circuit
Generation IV reactors (Gen IV) are a set of nuclear reactor designs currently being researched for commercial applications by the Generation IV International Forum.
Gen III+ reactor designs are an evolutionary development of Gen III reactors, offering improvements in safety over Gen III reactor designs.
A Generation III reactor is a development of Generation II nuclear reactor designs incorporating evolutionary improvements in design developed during the lifetime of the Generation II reactor designs.