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The large deep-sea freezer-factory trawler HELEN MARY has a flush upper deck with a threetiered superstructure covering most of the aft two-thirds of the vessel.
supply chain is the network of organizations and resources involved in the creation and sale of a product.
A ship intended for carriage and/or storage of special material and equipment and/or which is used to provide facilities and assistance for performance of specified activities, such as offshore, research and underwater activities.
These devices act similarly to point absorber buoys, with multiple floating segments connected to one another and are oriented perpendicular to incoming waves.
A surface condenser is a commonly used term for a water-cooled shell and tube heat exchanger installed to condense exhaust steam from a steam turbine in thermal power stations.
Vessels which benefit from an aerostatic force generated by a downward air current. See also hovercraft.
Surface free energy or interfacial free energy or surface energy quantifies the disruption of intermolecular bonds that occurs when a surface is created.
Surface finish, also known as surface texture or surface topography, is the nature of a surface as defined by the three characteristics of lay, surface roughness, and waviness. It comprises the small, local deviations of a surface from the perfectly flat ideal (a true plane).
Steel plates must have a workmanlike finish and must be free from defects and imperfections which may impair their proper workability and use.
A process of surface cleaning before paint application. The surface preparation is of great importance for the quality and the durability of the coating.
The Swedish Standard Institution has published a very useful handbook entitled “Degrees of rust on steel surfaces and degrees for pretreatment of steel surfaces prior to application of rust preventing primers”.
Surface texture is one of the important factors that control friction and transfer layer formation during sliding.
In physics, a surface wave is a mechanical wave that propagates along the interface between differing media.
A protection against voltage spikes in alternating currents electrical devices.
A Surge tank is a water storage device used as a pressure neutralizer in hydropower water conveyance systems in order to dampen excess pressure variance.
A fast boat used by coastguard service.
Examination, testing and evaluation of the results and decision making.
Small motor boats carried on board the hydrographic vessel for use in surveying operations.
Survey meters in radiation protection are hand-held ionising radiation measurement instruments used to check such as personnel, equipment and the environment for radioactive contamination and ambient radiation.
The CAPELLA is the first larger survey ship built by Fassmer Shipyard for German Federal Marine and Hydrographic Authority (BSH) responsible for hydrographic survey activities and searching for shipwrecks...