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A mechanical device attached to transmission lines that aid in the reduction of vibrations.
The western European agreement for the ro-ro ferry safety reached in Stockholm in 1996 and is valid for ro-ro passenger ferries, irrespective of flag, trading regularly between two signatories, ports.
Stone-dumping vessels move large quantities of stone. A side stonedamper has a deck that is suitable for loading heavy consignments.
1. A structure supporting cargo hold and tank bulkheads. 2. A support for a main bearing in the shaft alley, a foundation.
Valves to isolate machinery, equipment, and piping components for system operation, maintenance and overhaul, and damage control.
A device for securing a mooring line temporarily at the ship whilst the free end is fastened to a ship bitt.
A bottle-shaped tank with a buoyancy collar fitted around the neck. The lower part of the buoy provides a free-flooding space for the storage of oil to be discharged from a floating production unit.
A storage heater or heat bank is a domestic electrical heater which stores thermal energy during the evening, or at night when electricity is available at lower cost, and releases the heat during the day as required.
Storage tanks are containers that hold liquids, compressed gases or mediums used for the short- or long-term storage of heat or cold.
The ice strengthened Sto-Ro vessel BALTICBORG was completed by Volharding Shipyards in 2004, using a hull from Daewoo Mangalia in Romania.
The placing of goods in a ship to ensure the safety and stability of the ship.
It is expression which indicates the cubic capacity that 1 ton of cargo will require. The stowage factor takes account of the design and shape of the cargo package and the need to employ dunnage or other special stowage provision.
Hooks which hold a folded hatch cover.
Athwartships rails upon which side-rolling covers run and are supported in the open position.
Someone who hides on a ship to avoid paying a ticket or to travel secretly.
Large vehicles that carry their load underneath the bridging between their wheels.
The straight or inline engine is an internal combustion engine with all cylinders aligned in one row and having no offset.
Strain is a measure of deformation representing the displacement between particles in the body relative to a reference length.
An insulator designed to withstand the strain imparted by suspended power lines.
A coarse filter to remove large contaminating particles. Sea inlets are to be fitted with strainers.