251 results
A vertical shaft through which the turning force of the steering gear is transmitted to the rudder blade. The rudderstock is to be made of forged steel.
A method established, or a procedure derived entirely from practice or experience not based on scientific knowledge; a roughly practical method.
An interactive PC-based software system developed by Lloyd’s Register.
Run-around systems are a hybrid heat recovery system that incorporates characteristics from other heat recovery technology to form a single device, capable of recovering heat from one air stream and delivering to another a significant distance away.
Running costs include the cost of any fuel, maintenance costs, repair costs, wages, handling any wastes etc.
The number of hours that a machine or system is in operational mode.
Hydroelectricity plants that do nor require the creation of a water storage area. The water is returned to the river at a lower elevation. Small variations of these can be floating.
A disc used in pressurised piping circuits and vessels to protect the pressure integrity of the vessel or piping circuit. The disc rupture pressure is decided at manufacture and cannot be changed.
Rural electrification is the process of bringing electrical power to rural and remote areas.
A visible corrosion product consisting of hydrated iron oxides. Rust is formed on steel surfaces exposed to moist atmospheric conditions.
A: Steel surface covered completely with adhering mill scale and with little or nor rust. B: Steel surface which has started to rust and from which the mill scale has begun to flake.