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An oil tanker, also known as a petroleum tanker, is a ship designed for the bulk transport of oil or its products.
The preparation of fuel oil or lubricating oil for use in a diesel engine. It involves storage and heating to allow separation of any water present, coarse and fine filtering to remove solid particles and also centrifuging to further clean the oil.
An oil well is a boring in the Earth that is designed to bring petroleum oil hydrocarbons to the surface.
A sensor which must be fitted in oil tanker slop tanks. During pumping of the slop tank, it determines the interface level at a low position and stops further discharge.
The MISSIONTM OS boiler is a vertical oil-fired auxiliary boiler with a capacity range up to 6t/h. It is insulated and assembled as a unit with boiler mountings mounted on the boiler body.
A measuring instrument which determines the contents of oil in bilge water. If the permitted level is exceeded, an alarm is activated and the water flow is directed to a slop tank.
A mixture with any oil content.
Rags that have been saturated with oil. Contaminated rags are those, which have been saturated with a substance defined as a harmful substance in Annexes to MARPOL 73/78.
A device used to separate oil from oily water mixtures and from the emulsion. Bilge separators are necessary aboard vessels to prevent discharge of oil overboard while pumping out bilges or while cleaning oil tanks.
The fourth largest copper deposit and the largest known single deposit of uranium in the world.
The nuclear fuel cycle is referred to as a once-through fuel cycle if spent fuel is not reprocessed.
A specialized type of HRSG without boiler drums where the inlet feedwater follows a continuous path without segmented sections for economizers, evaporators, and superheaters.
A standard of subdivision of a ship by bulkheads, which results in the ship remaining afloat with any one compartment flooded...
One part per hundred is generally represented by the percent sign (%) and denotes one part per 100 (102) parts, and a value of 10−2.
One part per million (ppm) denotes one part per 1,000,000
Surveys carried out to state the ship condition prior to or after her chartering. The main purpose is to record deficiencies or damages.
On-load release mechanisms designed to permit the release of the davit-launched lifeboat from fall wires when ship is still making way through the water or in rough sea.
The commander of a rescue unit designated to co-ordinate search and rescue operations within a specified area.
Wind Farms that are contructed on land. Onshore wind farms are less expensive to construct than offshore wind farms, they have a bigger visual impact and less wind speed and consistency.
The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries.