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A round or oval hole cut in decks, tanks, etc, for providing access. Low manholes are used usually. Flush manholes can be installed in cargo hold walls, or inner bottom.
1. A list of all cargo on board. 2. A term used also for passengers list on cruise vessels, passenger ferries, etc.
A chamber functioning as a connection point for various valves and pipelines.
Manifold vacuum, or engine vacuum in an internal combustion engine is the difference in air pressure between the engine's intake manifold and Earth's atmosphere.
A remotely-operated work arm.
Man-made forcings include particle pollution (aerosols) that absorb and reflect incoming sunlight; deforestation, which changes how the surface reflects and absorbs sunlight; and the rising concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, which decreases the rate at which heat is radiated to space.
A facility with permanently-occupied living accommodations, or the one that requires continuous presence of personnel for more than 12 hours in successive 24- hour periods, (ABS).
The number of personnel forming the ship crew.
Manoeuvring characteristics such as turning, yaw-checking, course-keeping and stopping abilities of the ship.
The IMO resolution MSC.137(76) “Standards for Ship Manoeuvrability” identify the following characteristics: Inherent dynamic stability, Course-keeping ability, Initial turning/course-changing ability, Yaw checking ability, Turning ability...
The manoeuvrability of the conventional ship at full load is considered satisfactory if the following criteria are complied with: Turning ability, Initial turning ability, Yaw-checking and course-keeping abilities, Stopping ability.
Pilot card, wheelhouse poster and manoeuvring booklet as required by the resolution A.601(15) “Provision and Display of Manoeuvring Information on Board Ships”.
According to IMO resolution MSC.137(76) “Standards for Ship Manoeuvrability” adopted on 4 December 2002.
A vessel reduced rate of speed in restricted waters such as fairways, harbours, etc.
Forecastle, stern, pilot boarding station, muster stations.
The full-scale trials conducted in order to evaluate such performance of a ship as turning, yaw-checking, course-keeping and stopping abilities.
The Marangoni effect (also called the Gibbs–Marangoni effect) is the mass transfer along an interface between two fluids due to a gradient of the surface tension.
A line drawn at least 76mm below the upper surface of the bulkhead deck at side, (SOLAS).
The outboard strake of the inner bottom.
The Maritime Research Institute Netherlands was founded in 1929 as the Netherlands Ship Model Basin (NSMB) by the Dutch government and industry. The work was started in 1932, following completion of the deep water towing tank.