248 results
The ability of the dry paint film to resist mechanical impacts as scratching or penetration by hard object.
Harmonic filters are necessary for the elimination of the harmonic waves and for the production of the reactive power at line commutated converter stations.
Generally, harmonics are oscillations in the base power frequency.
Vertical plating bounding a hatch in order to stiffen its edges and resist entry of water to the space below.
A large steel structure fitted over a hatch opening to prevent the ingress of water into the cargo hold. It may also be the supporting structure for deck cargo.
Swing-seals – Hydraulically- or manually-operated seals for weathertight non-sequential operation. The swing-seal comprises a foldable steel beam fitted with gaskets.
The sealing between hatch covers and coaming is generally achieved by sliding rubber packing which is fitted to the panels and tightens against the top of coaming.
Alternative name for seal.
Any type of adhesive tape used to seal cross-joints externally.
A rectangular opening in a deck through which cargo and stores are loaded or unloaded.
The ship is characterised by a moulded depth greater than normal proportions, which allows eight of the 11 tiers of containers to be stowed below the deck; a “whaleback” bow shelter, acting as a breakwater and wind break...
Ropes supported by stanchions around an open hatch to prevent persons from falling into a hold.
A tube through which anchor chain is led overboard from the windlass wildcat on deck through the ship side. A doubling plate is fitted around it at the forecastle deck and a chafing ring at the ship side.
Synthetic or natural fibre rope or wire rope used for mooring, warping and towing.
A hazard is a potential source of harm.
Administrative controls are training, procedure, policy, or shift designs that lessen the threat of a hazard to an individual.
Hazard elimination is a hazard control strategy based on completely removing a material or process causing a hazard.
Engineering controls are strategies designed to protect workers from hazardous conditions by placing a barrier between the worker and the hazard or by removing a hazardous substance through air ventilation.
Hazard substitution is a hazard control strategy in which a material or process is replaced with another that is less hazardous.
Also known as toxic air pollutants or air toxics, are those pollutants that cause or may cause cancer or other serious health effects, such as reproductive effects or birth defects, or adverse environmental and ecological effects.