Rocks & mirror
Encyclopedia of Marine and Energy Technology


178 results


Green diesel is produced through hydrocracking biological oil feedstocks, such as vegetable oils and animal fats


Green energy is any energy type that is generated from natural resources, such as sunlight, wind or water.


Green politics, or ecopolitics, is a political ideology that aims to foster an ecologically sustainable society rooted in environmentalism, nonviolence, social justice and grassroots democracy.


A green retrofit is any refurbishment of an existing building that aims to reduce the carbon emissions and environmental impact of that building.


A green roof or living roof is a roof of a building that is partially or completely covered with vegetation and a growing medium, planted over a waterproofing membrane.


A seawater, which travels over the weather deck of a ship without any waves breaking.


Green waste can be composed of non-food crops, which decompose to produce cellulosic ethanol.


Greenfield status is an end point wherein a parcel of land that had been in industrial use is, in principle, restored to the conditions existing before the construction of the plant.


Greenhouse gas emissions are emissions of greenhouse gases created from a range of human activities that cause climate change.


A greenhouse gas (sometimes abbreviated GHG) is a gas that absorbs and emits radiant energy within the thermal infrared range, causing the greenhouse effect.


Any gas that absorbs infrared radiation in the atmosphere. Greenhouse gases include, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, ozone, chlorofluorocarbons, hydro chlorofluorocarbons, hydro fluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons, sulfur hexafluoride.


A grid code is a technical specification which defines the parameters a facility connected to a public electric grid has to meet to ensure safe, secure and economic proper functioning of the electric system.


Grid parity (or socket parity) occurs when an alternative energy source can generate power at a levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) that is less than or equal to the price of power from the electricity grid.


The reliability and consistency in power or electricity production.


Grid storage enables the storage of generated elctricity during low demand periods that can be dispatched during peak or high demand periods.


Grid-tie inverters used in solar systems, match phase with a utility-supplied sine wave. Grid-tie inverters are designed to shut down automatically upon loss of utility supply, for safety reasons.


A grid-tied electrical system, also called tied to grid or grid tie system, is a semi-autonomous electrical generation or grid energy storage system which links to the mains to feed excess capacity back to the local mains electrical grid.


Wire ropes which secure a lifeboat against the cradle when it is up on the davits.


Fins fitted ahead of the propeller on both sides of the sternpost to improve the propeller efficiency.


A ground loop or earth loop occurs when two points of a circuit are intended to have the same ground reference potential but instead have a different potential between them.

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