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A fire retardant is a substance that is used to slow down or stop the spread of fire or reduce its intensity.
The International Code for Fire Safety Systems as adopted by the Maritime Safety Committee of the IMO by resolution MSC.98(73).
Protective clothing of a fireman. The Flamequard Mk2 firesuit consists of jacket, trousers, gloves, helmet with visor and neckprotector.
The International Code for Application of Fire Test Procedures as adopted by the Maritime Safety Committee of the IMO, by resolution MSC.61(67).
A wall designed and constructed to remain structurally intact under the effects of fire and insulated so that the temperature on the unexposed side will remain below a specified temperature for a determined amount of time, (ABS).
A wire rigged to the waterline over the off-berth side of a ship to facilite towing away in emergency. Fire wires enable tugs to pull the ship away from the pier without the assistance of any crew in case of a serious fire or explosion.
In a steam engine, the firebox is the area where the fuel is burned, producing heat to boil the water in the boiler.
Firedamp is flammable gas found in coal mines.
The fire-fighting systems onboard include: A CO2 extinguishing plant for the cargo holds and engine room, a locally operated CO2 bottle for the separator room, a fog hotspot fire-fighting system.
The ship is provided with an addressable fire detection system. Apart from a detail display function on the main unit, the fire is also displayed in mimic format on the SMCS.
There are four principal types of portable extinguishers usually found on board a ship. They are soda-acid, foam, dry powder and CO2 extinguishers.
A guarantee of a level of supplied power committed to by a supplier to be available at all times during a period covered by a commitment.
Firm services, also called uninterruptible services, are services, such as electricity and natural gas supplies, that are intended to be available at all times during a period covered by an agreement.
The licensed member of the engine department in charge of the four to eight watch. He usually works from eight to four handling engine maintenance.
First generation biofuels are made from sugar-starch feedstocks (e.g., sugarcane and corn) and edible oil feedstocks (e.g., rapessed and soybean oil), which are generally converted into bioethanol and biodiesel, respectively.
The licensed member of the deck department in charge of the four to eight watch. The Chief Mate is directly responsible for all deck operations: cargo storage and handling, deck maintenance and deck supplies.
Usually a fibre line put ashore first to help in hauling the ship into berth.
Synthetic fuel derived from coal, natural gas or biomass.
The Fischer–Tropsch process is used to produce synfuels from gasified biomass. While biodiesel and bio-ethanol production so far only use parts of a plant biomass to liquid production can gasify and utilize the entire plant.
Fish is vacuum-pumped from the refrigerated sea water tanks (capacity 475m3), where temperature is kept between 2°C and -6°C, to the factory room which is equipped with machines for heading, gutting, skinning and filleting.