371 results
A backup heat source that is activated if heat pump shuts off.
The 406 MHz satellite EPIRB is a small battery-powered transmitting device designed to provide rapid alerting, identification and accurate location information to search and rescue crews.
A small generator that will be used in the event that the main supply is interupted.
All actions through alarm, escape, muster, communications and control, evacuation and rescue.
A purpose-built rescue vessel attending offshore installations. An ERRV should combine good manoeuvrability, enhanced survivor reception and medical after-care facilities, state of art navigational/communications equipment...
Fire and gas detection, fire fighting equipment, emergency generator, etc. that needs to be used in an emergency.
A source of electrical power, intended to supply the emergency switchboard in the event of failure of the supply from the main source of electrical power, (SOLAS).
Ships shall be provided with a ship-specific emergency towing procedure based on equipment available on board. The procedure shall include:
Equipment used to tow a ship out of danger in emergencies such as complete mechanical breakdowns, loss of power or loss of steering capability.
In case the vessels need an emergency tow, they are fitted with two sets of equipment for the purpose. They comprise two 204t SWL Smith brackets fitted forward, two 200t SWL Panama fairleads, and a 7m long and 76mm of diameter Grade 3 chafe chain.
Advanced pollution prevention and control ship designed to deal with a wide range of potential maritime incidents.
Any release of substances subject to control by Annex VI of MARPOL 73/78 from ships into the atmosphere or sea. See also exhaust gas emissions.
The process to remove pollutants from exhaust gases thereby reducing the impact on the environment.
Emission Factors: can be found in the IMO MEPC 623/23 Annex 8
Usually waste products released to the atmosphere such as exhaust gases from combustion engines.
A ratio of power plant emissions per megawatts of electricity (MWe) that are produced.
Process to reduce emissions on existing power plants or machinery or a plan for new designs.
An emissions target or greenhouse gas emissions reduction target is the central policy instrument of international greenhouse gas emissions reduction politics and a key pillar of climate policy.
Emissions trading (also known as cap and trade, emissions trading scheme or ETS) is a market-based approach to controlling pollution by providing economic incentives for reducing the emissions of pollutants.
The emissivity of the surface of a material is its effectiveness in emitting energy as thermal radiation.