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Fish which live at the bottom of the sea, for instance a sole, a hake and a halibut and those which live near the bottom like a cod, a haddock.
A spray-on mineral-fibre insulation material. Using Dendamix Marine as noise or thermal insulation is said to give substantial savings to shipyards...
Process of removing nitrogen oxides (NOx) from the exhaust of lean-burn engines, especially by using selective catalytic reduction (SCR).
The density of a substance is its mass per unit volume.
the density of states (DOS) of a system describes the proportion of states that are to be occupied by the system at each energy.
Dependent and independent variables are variables in mathematical modeling, statistical modeling and experimental sciences.
Most depleted uranium arises as a by-product of the production of enriched uranium for use as fuel in nuclear reactors and in the manufacture of nuclear weapons.
An attack at the edge of a local deposit formed on metal surface in the presence of an electrolyte.
- Depth moulded – Moulded depth of a ship is measured at the middle of length L, from the top of keel to the uppermost continuous deck at side. - Extreme depth – The depth of the ship from the upper deck to the underside of the keel.
Depth of Discharge is the fraction or percentage of the capacity which has been removed from the fully charged battery.
Depth of Discharge (DoD) is the fraction or percentage of the capacity which has been removed from the fully charged battery.
The distance that fusion penetrates the base metal or previous bead from the surface melted during welding.
The operation of a diesel engine at normal maximum cylinder pressure for its continuous sea service rating, but at a lower mean effective pressure and shaft speed.
Deserted goods or any other commodity, especially a vessel abandoned at sea.
The tower-like structure that houses the drilling controls for a drilling rig.
The removal of any chemical salts from seawater to produce distilled water. The equipment used may be described as a distiller, an evaporator or a freshwater generator.
Desanders and desilters are solid control equipment with a set of hydrocyclones that separate sand and silt from the drilling fluids in drilling rigs.
A descaling agent or chemical descaler is a liquid chemical substance used to remove limescale from metal surfaces in contact with hot water, such as in boilers, water heaters, and kettles.
The desert climate or arid climate is a climate which there is an excess of evaporation over precipitation.
A substance which can absorb moisture, e.g. anhydrous calcium chloride. It is often used as a drying agent.