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A luxury passenger ship designed to provide holidays afloat. Cruise liners are now basically designed as a hotel accommodation fitted inside a ship, where public spaces and leisure areas demand larger space.
A fully radiused stern construction.
Use of liquification of air or nitrogen as an energy store.
Crystalline silicon is the dominant semiconducting material used in photovoltaic technology for the production of solar cells.
Code of Safe Practice for Cargo Stowage and Securing.
All damage due to various physical causes, specifically applied to fatigue under various stress ranges and frequencies.
The curie is a non-SI unit of radioactivity originally defined in 1910.
The hardening of liquid paint by a chemical reaction or by blending a cross-linking agent or hardener.
Minimum time needed for the paint to achieve its properties and mechanical characteristics.
The flow of electricity through conductor. The unit of measurement is the ampere.
An electrical device with jaws which open to allow clamping around an electrical conductor.
Electric current collectors are used by trolleybuses, trams, electric locomotives or EMUs to carry electrical power from overhead lines or electrical third rails to the electrical equipment of the vehicles.
A current source is an electronic circuit that delivers or absorbs an electric current which is independent of the voltage across it.
A method to reduce the amount of electricity that could have been generated but is curtailed due to less demand or to balance output.
During ship design stage many calculations are made in order to define minimummetacentric height GMMIN values, which would meet all intact and damage stabilitycriteria.
A curve showing the resistance of a ship or its model to towing as obtained by experiments in a model basin. The model is run at various speeds and its resistance is shown for each speed.
The plot of the righting arm GZ calculated as function of the heel angle at constant displacement and vertical centre of gravity KG.
A curve whose ordinates are areas of cross sections up to a given waterline corresponding to each point in the length.
According to SOLAS, the Master of the ship shall be supplied with reliable information to enable him assessment of the ship stability.
A curve showing the height of the transverse metacenter above base line corresponding to any displacement.