Wärtsilä, Houlder and Trelleborg to introduce new small to mid-scale LNG distribution infrastructure concept at Gastech 2017.
The technology group Wärtsilä has partnered with marine design consultancy Houlder and hose supplier Trelleborg in the development of an innovative system for transferring LNG from the carrier vessel to shoreline terminals where no jetty exists. The concept will be formally unveiled at this year's Gastech conference and exhibition in Tokyo, April 4-7.
The transporting and bunkering of LNG is becoming increasingly important to the energy strategies of island and other coastal communities across the world. However, because of environmental considerations and high investment costs, such communities typically have a limited appetite for the major civil works required for building new harbours, quays and jetties. Recognising this Wärtsilä, an experienced LNG infrastructure provider and power generation expert, has combined its in-house talents for innovation with those of Houlder and Trelleborg to develop an alternative viable solution.
“Wärtsilä as an EPC contractor sees this collaborative concept as being an enabler for new and smarter LNG terminal solutions serving various small-scale LNG consumers in situations where building a jetty is not feasible or cost-effective,” says Kenneth Engblom, Director, Sales and Marketing, LNG Solutions at Wärtsilä.
The jettyless concept has been developed to enable the transfer of LNG from small to mid-scale carriers to onshore or floating storage and regasification terminals where it is not feasible to construct a jetty for mooring the vessel. The floating transfer terminal by Houlder comprises a self-propelled barge that shuttles to and from LNG vessels moored up to 800 metres offshore and includes an integrated transfer arm developed by Houlder and KLAW LNG. Trelleborg CRYOLINE LNG Floating Hoses are then used to transfer the LNG and boil-off gas between the barge and any shore facility. The hoses combine high flexibility, reliability, and long service life to meet the safety, flow rate, and operational availability requirements of LNG operators and contractors.
Gianpaolo Benedetti, Houlder’s LNG Business Development Manager, described the floating transfer terminal as “taking the jetty to the LNG vessel, rather than have the LNG vessel come to the jetty.”
The jettyless concept represents a low investment and quick installation solution in situations where the cost of building a jetty is prohibitive. Because each location has its own characteristics, Wärtsilä develops different concepts to suit the particular situation.
With 25,000 visitors and 600 exhibitors, Gastech will be the largest global gas and LNG exhibition in 2017. More information on the “Jettyless” LNG transfer concept can be had by meeting members of the team at the following stands; Wärtsilä, stand 16-080, Houlder, stand 14-300 and Trelleborg at stand 16-320 .
For more information, please contact
Kenneth Engblom
Director, Sales and Marketing
LNG Solutions
Wärtsilä Energy Solutions
Tel: +358 40 756 6686
Example illustration about the concept
Caption: Example concept
of the Wärtsilä power barge and floating storage and regasification barge (FSRB) at shore and LNG connection by floating hoses to the carrier.