Focusing on the details with the big picture in mind

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Gas Solutions expertise services and 24/7 support

Remote support and technical services

Wärtsilä Technical Services provides 24/7 access to technical services teams who can support on operational problems of the equipment. With help of Wärtsilä Remote Support, the product experts can connect to the equipment remotely for the purpose of troubleshooting, diagnostics, and, in some cases, software updates. Technical data of the equipment is analysed by the technical services team to improve diagnostics efficiency and accuracy.

Pre-docking inspection

The Wärtsilä pre-docking inspection for gas solutions is a comprehensive assessment. Our service engineers do the inspection on board the vessels. The results will carefully be analysed by a group of experts. The customer receives a professional and detailed report on the recommendations for dry docking. This includes a list of parts that should be overhauled, replaced, or re-manufactured, systems that should be updated, and recommendations to enhance the operation of the plant.


  • Potentially large savings 
  • Smooth and hassle-free dry docking
  • Using cost-effective remote inspection whenever possible
  • One party to cover all the components and the whole system
  • Performing quick fixes and parts replacement during the job

Get in touch with our team for services, spares and training

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Cargo Handling Systems, Fuel Gas Supply Systems, VOC Systems, LNG Systems

Switchboard: 0047 815 48 500 (24/7)

Inert Gas Systems

Emergency phone: 0047 917 96 874 (24/7)


Emergency phone: 0046 480-770040 (24/7)​​​​​​​

Wärtsilä Marine. Let's connect.