With reference to the provisions of Legislative Decree 231 / 8 June 2001and subsequent amendments and integrations, the Board of Directors of Wärtsilä Italia S.p.A. approved its “Organizational, Management and Control Model", that includes also the "Code of Ethics" as an integral part . This Code defines the set of values of business ethics that the Company recognizes and accepts, and the observance of which allows, among other things, to prevent the eventual commission of crimes listed by the Decree.
It is a primary interest of Wärtsilä Italia S.p.A. that all parties in a business relationships with the Company conduct their business in compliance with the principles and values contained in the "Code of Ethics".
The "General Part" of the Model , as well as its "Disciplinary System " and its "Code of Ethics" are available at the following links.
Note: the official version of the Model is the Italian one, which shall prevail on the English version in case of any differences or conflicts of interpretations.
Organisational, Management and Control Model
Information document Whistleblowing
Modello di Organizzazione, Gestione e Controllo
Email of the Supervisory Body: odv_wit@wartsila.com