
Twentyfour7. Insights Year 2022: 265 content pieces consumed around 400 thousand times, and 81 tons of carbon to be stored

The whole Insights team wishes to thank you, readers, for the year 2022! The world has opened for the most parts since the pandemic, but now high energy prices and inflation are humanity's challenge for this year at least - let's tackle them heads on!

During 2022 we published 265 content pieces on Twentyfour7. Insights which discuss not only the means towards the end but also the why behind our purpose: Enabling sustainable societies through innovation and services.

From the content published during 2022, the most read / watched / listened to ones were:

Wärtsilä 32 methanol – The power to reach carbon-neutral – The power to reach carbon-neutral. This webinar provides a first glimpse of the new methanol engine and explores how it can help you reach carbon-neutral ship operations.

Wärtsilä 46TS-DF – The power to change – The power to change. The webinar of the launch of this next-generation, modular engine. Complete with a video of the engine start!

Creating transparency to manage CII – The article explains the International Maritime Organization’s (IMO’s) Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII) rating scheme and suggests a way that companies could navigate future uncertainties.

The fundamentals of energy storage – a dictionary which explains key industry terminology.

The future of work – our most listened podcast for 2022, covering the great resignation wave (the “big quit”).

In addition, you have been most helpful in providing feedback, improvement suggestions and content ideas via the “plant a tree” feature - 81 times during 2022 to be precise. Decarbonisation is the most requested theme in the feedback, and we will continue to deliver on this one.

As promised, please see below the certificate for trees planted where they are needed most according to a href="" data-sf-ec-immutable="">One Tree Planted. This time it was in the Andes Mountains, where planting trees revitalises Polylepis forests, supports indigenous groups, and provides lasting social impact.

Wärtsilä One Tree Planted to Andes 2022 certificate


The same promise will continue, and each submission will get a tree planted, but the location may vary. Please, enjoy your year 2023 and looking forward to seeing you in Twentyfour7. Insights soon again!

The Twentyfour7. Insights team

PS. Consider subscribing to the latest hand-picked insights into topics that range from decarbonisation and future energy solutions to people and our planet.

Written by
Amos Ahola
Director, Communication Operations and Development