Journey to change with Wärtsilä Balancing solutions

Technology + Commitment

The journey to a completely fossil-free future doesn’t happen overnight and it is hard to achieve alone. Which is why you want to share this path with people who share your decarbonisation goals and commitments. People, who believe that change is possible through their everyday work. Just as different people can bring qualities that complement each other and result in balance, so it is with Wärtsilä’s technology and the lifecycle service personnel who continuously help our power plant customers realise their equipment’s full potential.

We have a track record of helping our customers to decarbonise their operations and our collaboration has reduced their operational and lifetime costs and ensured a lower overall carbon footprint.

Balancing videos

At Wärtsilä we understand that technology can only get you so far in reaching your goals. In the videos below you can meet some of the individuals responsible for helping achieve the perfect balance of technology AND commitment in helping you on your journey to change.

Episode 1 Operating with renewables

Episode 1: Operating with renewables

Hannu Jeronen from Technology and Kim Lindqvist from Lifecycle services share a seesaw to discuss how their work balances each other out to help Wärtsilä customers integrate more renewables.

Watch the video and read the blog »

Episode 2 - De-risking your investment

Episode 2: De-risking your investment

Mia Kärkinen from Lifecycle Services and Rasmus Teir from Technology talk about how Wärtsilä can help customers de-risk their investment in balancing solutions.

Watch the video and read the blog »

Episode 3 Reaching decarbonisation targets

Episode 3: Reaching your decarbonisation targets

Nina Berg and Fredrik Östman discuss how Wärtsilä can help customers create a 100% decarbonised energy system. A special guest plays the role of a potential Wärtsilä customer.

Watch the video and read the blog »

Committed to help you reach your targets and goals

The best technology is essential in meeting your decarbonisation goals while efficiently hitting power targets. But at Wärtsilä we understand that technology can only get you so far. You also need the kind of support and commitment that can help you maintain your technology while ensuring that it’s fully optimised to help you reach your targets and requirements.

We believe that the people and the shared wealth of experience that we bring to the process are every bit as vital as the industry-leading technology that we offer. With Wärtsilä, you’re not just investing in a piece of engineering, you’re also gaining partners, committed to help you reach your targets and goals.

Balancing solutions Wärtsilä
Balancing solutions Wärtsilä
Balancing solutions Wärtsilä


Adapts to different operation profiles and running hours as well as runs on sustainable fuels such as hydrogen blend 25% vol.

Balancing solutions Wärtsilä


With outstanding efficiency, fast start up times and a wide load range, our balancing solutions are well poised to maximise the revenue stack.

Balancing solutions Wärtsilä


We have a wide installed base of 74GW and our Expertise Centres support Wärtsilä Lifecycle solution customers 24/7.

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