Lake Kivu
KivuWatt + Wärtsilä

Reference case

The power plant utilises naturally occurring methane gas from Lake Kivu

This power plant utilises naturally occurring methane gas from Lake Kivu to generate electricity via Wärtsilä 34SG engines with a total output is 25 MW. Lake Kivu, located on the border between Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo, contains high concentrations of methane gas. By reducing gas levels in the lake while, at the same time, providing additional power generating capacity, both environmental and economic targets can be met.

The plant is powered by 20-cylinder Wärtsilä 34SG gas engines, and it was inaugurated by Rwanda’s President, Mr. Paul Kagame in June 2016. Future planned expansions to this project will increase the output by an additional 75 MW.

Lake Kivu, located on the border between Rwanda and the democratic Republic of Congo, contains high concentrations of methane gas.

Studies have predicted that a saturation point will eventually be reached that could lead to a catastrophic gas release. Extraction of the gas has thus the potential to both mitigate the risks of dangerous eruptions and provide substantial energy reserves. The actual extraction of the gas from the lake, however, is not included within Wärtsilä’s contractual scope.

Rwanda urgently needs additional electricity generating capacity, so this project has both economic and environmental benefits. The order has been placed by KivuWatt Ltd, a subsidiary of the New York-based international power company, ContourGlobal. The power plant supplies electricity to Rwanda’s national utility.

WhatElectricity generation
HowWärtsilä 34SG

This is what we achieved

75 MW

Expanded power potential

Gas Extraction

Reduces risk of dangerous eruption

How we did it

Challenge icon


  • Lake Kivu has high concentrations of dangerous methane gas
  • Urgent need for additional electricity generation
Solution icon


  • Installation of 20-cylinder Wärtsilä 34SG engines
Benefit icon


  • Reduction of dangerous methane gas from Lake Kivu
  • 25MW of electricity generation

The main details

   Name  KivuWatt
   Type  Natural Gas (methane)
   Location  Kibuye, Rwanda
   Owner  KivuWatt Ltd.
   Delivered  2013
   Engines 3 x W20V34SG
   Total electrical output 25MW 
Lake Kivu Map

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