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Independent power producers
Independent power producers
Independent power producers - reference cases
Middle East
North America & Caribbean
South America
Combined heat & power (CHP)
Flexible baseload
Energy storage
Engine power plant
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Island of Bonaire
Energy storage and GEMS enable intelligent renewables integration and greater energy reliability on the Caribbean island of...
Malicounda, Senegal
With 450 MW of installed capacity in Senegal, Wärtsilä is the country’s leading provider of power generation equipment. The...
United Engineering & Power Services
Wärtsilä SafeStart secures power plant reliability and safety.
Inur Sakato power plant
The Operation and maintenance solution covers daily operation and all related maintenance and administration tasks,...
IPP4 power plant
Fuel flexibility increases power plant profitability
Gulf Power Limited
A 10-year Operation and maintenance agreement enables the customer to fulfil power-selling obligations.
Delta P Inc.
Relocated power plant supplies much needed electricity for Palawan.
IPP3 power plant
Commissioning to gas operation improves economy and reduces emissions.
Antigua Power Company
More effective maintenance planning and spare part procurement with Wärtsilä Online.
Training for Sasolburg operations
Training enabled independent operation and maintenance of gas power plant.
O&M for Sasolburg operations
With a three-year shared Operations & maintenance agreement Sasolburg Operations enabled their local employees to...
Huinala, Mexico
Mexico is quickly amending its energy laws, creating a new electricity market and allowing the private sector to participate freely...
Parnaíba IV, Brazil
Energy security has become a priority in Brazil as the electric power supply has not kept pace with robust demand growth....
Cheong Soo, South Korea
In May 2007, Wärtsilä was awarded a contract from JB Enertek Co., Ltd., South Korea, to deliver engineering and equipment...
United Ashuganj, Bangladesh
A groundbreaking 200MW co-generation power plant solving Bangladesh's energy puzzle.
Upgrade improves plant availability and reliability.
Sasolburg, South Africa
"Our old generating equipment was replaced with more efficient units. New power plant technology is used to meet increased...
Viana, Brazil
In 2008, Termelétrica Viana SA ordered a turnkey power plant comprising 20 Wärtsilä 20V32 engines giving 175 MW of installed...
Geramar I & II, Brazil
In August 2008, Wärtsilä received the order for two power plants projects including EPC, at the same location.
Dr Bird I and II, Jamaica
Wärtsilä Corporation won a repeat order for a 50 MW power barge from the Caribbean island of Jamaica in April 2005. It...
Attock, Pakistan
Wärtsilä received an order in June 2007 to supply and install a 160 MW power plant at the Attock Refinery Ltd site near Rawalpindi...
UTE Linhares, Brazil
Linhares Geração S.A. of Brazil has ordered a stand-by gas power plant with 24 Wärtsilä 20V34SG engines. The power plant with...
Plains End I & II, CO, USA
When deciding on the technology for Plains End I & II, the critical factors for Cogentrix were the ability to operate at...
Lake Kivu, Rwanda
This power plant utilises naturally occurring methane gas from Lake Kivu to generate electricity via Wärtsilä 34SG engines. Total...
Gera, Brazil
In 2022 Wärtsilä has successfully converted the dual-fuel combustion engines to Wärtsilä 50SG gas-fuelled engines. This major upgrade...
Eden Yuturi, Ecuador
A 85 MW Wärtsilä baseload power plant is operating on the Eden-Yuturi oil field development site in Eastern Ecuador. The plant...
OCP, Ecuador
OCP Ecuador S.A. has built the Heavy Crude Oil Pipeline, the most important project developed in Ecuador since the 1970s. The project...
AGIP Villano, Ecuador
AGIP Ecuador is the operator of the 40,000 bpd Villano oil field in the Oriente jungle in Ecuador. Since the drilling site is...
Aksa Samsun, Turkey
Gas conversion for reduced emissions and lowered operational costs.
Aliaga, Turkey
The Aliaga power plant, which belongs to Cakmaktepe Energy, has been supplied with 28 Wärtsilä 20V34SG gas-fired generating sets and...