“Don’t wait, activate” they are the instructions given to clients of Marioff new machinery space flooding total fire protection system, HI-FOG MT4. There is no need to evacuate personnel, seal the space or shut off the ventilation. By immediate activation, the fire is contained and extinguished in its infancy and the damage can be minimized. If the alarm turns out to be false, the system is reset and ready for use again.
HI-FOG MT4 is the most feasible alternative to “traditional” fire-fighting systems such as CO2 , foam and inert gases. The system passed successfully the latest IMO fire test requirements, as defined in MSC/Circ. 1165, adopted in May 2005. The first classification society type approvals have already been issued and next ones are expected shortly.
The key feature of HI-FOG MT4 is of course that it can be activated instantly a fire is detected. Furthermore, the extinguishing medium is plain, fresh water in the form of water mist, so an activation does not not result in equipment corrosion. No foam or chemicals are used, so the system does not present any harm to people. The system can be tested regularly to ensure that it is always in working condition and to demonstrate its operation to the crew. Finally, there is no need to divert to a port for recharging the system, as the system uses a pump unit rather than compressed gas.
HI-FOG MT4 is a simple and robust system, using a pump unit only. No pressure cylinders are required for redundancy or other purposes. The system has been designed to provide both total flooding and local application (IMO MSC/Circ. 913), using the same pump unit, tubing and spray heads. Using one integrated system saves on component, installation, maintenance as well as training costs.
Last but not the least, HI-FOG is a highly efficient fire extinguish system. It has repeatedly proved out in real ship fires which have been extinguished in about a minute from the moment the fire started. In most cases, the ship has been able to continue without disruption to its service.
For further information visit www.hi-fog.com