According to The Motor Ship May 1996
The self-loading/discharging cement carrier KEDAH CEMENT II was built by Pan-United Shipyard, Singapore. The ship has four holds, each centrally divided by a longitudinal bulkhead. The cement-handling plant has been supplied by the German Company IBAU and is designed to handle two different grades of Portland cement, based on a specific gravity of airless cement of 1.1/1.4t/m3. There is a central loading station located amidships on the main deck with four fluidslides. Cement is loaded at a rate of about 1000 t/h, using air slides and gravity. High-pressure fans supply fluidisation air to the loading slides and distributors. Four electrically-driven piston blowers supply the aeration of the cargo holds.
Discharge of the cargo is from the bottom of the sloping holds through cement pumps onto a conveyor belt. The cargo hold bottoms are sloped 7° athwartships and 11° in the fore and aft direction. Each of the four electrically-driven cargo pumps has a capacity of 200t. Again, fluidisation of the cargo is necessary during discharge, especially since the cargo tends to settle and consolidate during transit. In this case, it is achieved by fluidisation air channels in the holds, which move the cargo towards the flow gate. The rate of discharge from each hold is controlled by the flow gate connected to the cargo pumps. The total distance covered by the conveyor belt is about 590m. This includes lifting the cargo up to 50m and eight 90deg bends are included in the belt run. Discharge at the ship side is through four cargo hoses, stowed on the main deck, when not in use and handled by a MacGregor-Haglund 15t crane.
Propulsion is by twin engines with a total output of 5279kW to give a service speed of 13.5knots. The engines drive through a double input/single output gearbox driving a 4-bladed 4.7m diameter CP propeller with a gear ratio of 1:4.2 to give a propeller speed of 135rpm. The gearbox is also equipped with two A van Kaick PTO rated at 2160kW each. To aid manoeuvrability the ship is fitted with a 640kW Wärtsilä Lips CP bow thruster rated at 10t.
Length, oa: 145.0m, Length, bp: 136.1m, Beam, mld: 22.0m, Depth, mld to the main deck: 12.20m, Draught design/scantling: 9.0/9.50m, Deadweight design/scantling: 16,000/17,300dwt, Cargo capacity: 3600m3, Output: 2x2650kW, Speed: 13.5 knots.