5803 results
A mobile off shore unit primarily intended for the installation, maintenance and repair of wind turbines in off shore and coastal waters, including pile driving, tower installation, and nacelle and blade installation.
Delivered in August 2012, the INNOVATION is a self-propelled powerful jack-up built by CRIST S.A. shipyard in Gdynia (Poland).
The strakes of side shell plating between the ballast and the deepest load waterline.
A machine with a drum on which a rope, cable, or chain for hauling, pulling, or hoisting can be wound.
Towed seismic spread with significant lateral separation. Normally, it requires the use of paravanes.
Clean products such as benzene, kerosene and gasoline.
A tin-based alloy with amounts of lead, copper and antimony. It may also be a lead- based alloy with antimony.
Any sound signalling appliance capable of producing the prescribed blasts.
An enclosed space in which the main steering wheel, controls, engine room telegraph, etc., are located.
For a ship floating at a given waterline, the wetted surface is the total area of her outer surface in contact with the surrounding water.
The NOx reduction technology developed by Wärtsilä. Pressurized water is added to the intake air after the turbocharger to reduce the combustion temperature and thereby the formation of NOx.
A new technology using a remotely-operated vehicle (ROV) for hull survey developed by Det Norske Veritas.
Facilities installed on vessels or mobile offshore drilling units (MODUs) for the purpose of evaluating the quality and/or quantity of well fluid to determine whether the well should be completed for production or plugged and abandoned.
Worldwide there are more than 3000 subsea wells and, to increase the oil recovery from these wells, there is a demand for an efficient live well intervention service.
A dynamically positioned (DP) ship-shaped offshore unit provided with equipment for well stimulation or maintenance (e.g. coil tubing).
The condition of a well or reservoir defined by depth, temperature, shut-in pressure, flow rate, well fluid composition, etc (ABS).
Space in the bottom of a ship to which bilge water drains so it may be pumped overboard. Any area on the deck exposed to the weather, where water may be entrapped.
Distortion of weldments created by localized heating of the metal being joined together.
The order of making the welds in a weldment.
The detailed method and practice involved in producing a specific weld.