5803 results
see Manoeuvring parameters.
A fitter, or someone under the direction of a fitter, who tack welds parts of a weldment to hold them in proper alignment until the final welds are made.
A weld made to hold parts of a weldment in proper alignment until the final welds are made.
A joint between two members located approximately at right angles to each other in the form of a T letter.
Urea, (NH2)2CO, is a common chemical commodity used in a wide range of products.
A metal casing or large-bore piping which carries exhaust gases up through the funnel to the atmosphere.
The concentration of a hydrocarbon gas in air above which there is insufficient amount of oxygen to support and propagate combustion.
The entry of water into a compartment on one side of the ship which will cause heeling, in addition to the effects of flooding.
The MacGregor universal twistlock that can be used as a semi-automatic twistlock, an automatic fixing cone or bottom automatic fixing cone.
Modular, embedded control system for control and monitoring of diesel and gas engines developed by Wärtsilä.
A new space-saving lifeboat davit system for cruise vessels, developed by Schat-Harding.
The manner in which ships and other vehicles of transport are insured.
A person participating in an underwriting syndicate or group that provides insurance cover for a vessel.
Self-propelled crafts intended for underwater operations that may or may not be independent of surface support, (ABS).
A system comprising of one or more units with all their support components necessary to conduct a specified manned underwater operation such as a diving system and an underwater complex, (ABS).
A permanently unmanned submersible vessel containing equipment that is to be protected from water. It may be anchored to the ocean floor, (ABS).
A complex comprising of any combination of habitats with transfer chambers, and may include a tethered or untethered submersible unit and its launch and recovery system, (ABS).
A groove melted into the base metal adjacent to the weld toe or weld root and left unfilled by weld metal.
The connecting hose to a tethered submersible unit and from this unit to the divers. It may contain life support, surveillance, communication, remote control and power supply cables, (ABS).
Diesel fuel having sulfur content of 0.0015 percent (15 ppm) of sulfur or less, (EPA).