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A unit consisting of two chambers (entry lock and main lock) installed on a support ship. This chamber allows for gas saturation, lodging, recovery and desaturation periods for divers performing a mission in a diving bell.
Athwartship element of a vessel structure, which supports deck plating and which acts as a strut or tie connecting the vessel sides.
A platform in a ship corresponding to a floor in a building. See also car decks. - Bulkhead deck – The bulkhead deck is the highest deck to which the watertightbulkheads extend and are made effective.
A sound level unit which is one-tenth of a bel. It is used to compare levels of sound.
The flat, vertical portion of the aft end of a ship.
A drawing used for estimating the additional draught or for determining the extra load that could be taken on board when a vessel is being loaded in water of density less than that of salt water.
The amount of light emitted from a source (including that reflected from a surface). Luminance is measured in candela-per-square-meter (cd/m2).
A complete lighting unit consisting of a lamp(s) together with the parts designed to distribute the light, to position and protect the lamp and to connect the lamp to the power supply.
A ship used for the transportation of lumber (timber) and other wood products.
To raise or lower a derrick or a crane jib.
A high boiling point product of the crude oil refining process, used to lubricate machinery. Various properties required are obtained by blending and the introduction of additives such as oxidation inhibitors, dispersants and detergents.
CELANOVA has been built for service around the southern Spanish coasts and the Balearic Islands.
In a refrigeration cycle, the refrigerant circulates from the evaporator through the compressor to the condenser and back to the evaporator. In the evaporator, the heat added to the refrigerant by boiling off is taken from the surroundings.
The concentration of a hydrocarbon gas in air below which there is insufficient amount of hydrocarbon to support and propagate combustion. Sometimes referred to as lower explosive limit (LEL).
Wärtsilä developed combustion process which reduces the NOx emission level in the diesel engine by up to 25-35% without compromising on thermal efficiency.
Traditional diesel-electric propulsion consists of several generating sets and drive syste ms, each consisting of a propulsion transformer, a frequency converter for speed control, an electric motor and a thruster.
Heat content of the fuel with the heat of vaporization excluded. The water vapour is assumed to be in a gaseous state.
Low flame-spread means that the surface thus described will adequately restrict the spread of flame, this being determined in accordance with the Fire Test Procedures Code.
An opening to the weather in a ventilation system, fitted with a series of overlapping vanes at about 45 degrees to the vertical intended to minimize the admission of rain or seawater spray to the opening.
1. Activity carried out by sight and hearing as well as by all available means appropriate for the prevailing circumstances and conditions to make a full appraisal of situation and the risk of collision.