5803 results
1. Product of condensation of freshwater vapour. 2. Any product obtained by distilling petroleum and condensing the vapours.
Any impurities existing in pure water either produced by an evaporator or used as boiler feed water.
Any gas present in water. It may be released when boiled.
Means by which a device presents visual information to the navigator, including conventional instrumentation.
Water added to the separator bowl to displace the oil and to ensure there is no loss of oil at sludge discharge.
A craft that is supported by the buoyancy of the water it displaces.
A pump operating by the reduction or increase in volume of a space by mechanical action which physically moves the liquid or gas.
It is the weight of water displaced by this vessel at any waterline. It is the product of the volume of its underwater portion and the density of the water in which it floats.
A curve showing the displacement of a vessel in fresh or salt water at any draft.
Refers to any time that the crew leave the ship, be it a port call or final destination.
The purpose of this system is to send a covert signal from a ship which will be not obvious to anyone on the ship who is not aware of the alert system.
An interrption of the typical structure of a material, such as lack of homogeneity in its mechanicall, metallurgical, or physical characteristics. A discontinuity is not necessarily a defect.
Any piping leading through the ship sides for conveying bilge water, cooling water, drains, etc.
An essential document for officers and seamen as it serves an official certificate confirming their sea experience in the employment time.
Any release from a ship including any escape, disposal, spilling, leaking, pumping, emitting or emptying.
Any machine that grinds by the action of a rotating disc.
A damaged or impared vessel not able proceed by its own.
When viewed from astern, if the propeller revolves in a clockwise direction when going ahead, it is known as right-handed. If in an anticlockwise direction, it is left-handed.
Automated telegraphy techniques which comply with the relevant recommendations of the International Radio Consultative Committee (CCIR), (SOLAS).
The method used for reduction of NOx emissions by the injection of water directly into the combustion chamber via a separate nozzle: 50-60% NOx reduction with some fuel consumption penalty.