5803 results
An appliance which depends upon non-rigid, gas-filled chambers for buoyancy and which is kept inflated and ready for use at all times.
An appliance which depends upon non-rigid, gas-filled chambers for buoyancy and which is normally kept uninflated until ready for use.
Liquids liable to spontaneous combustion giving off inflammable vapours at or below 80 degrees F. For example: ether, ethyl, benzine, gasoline, paints, enamels, carbon disulfide, etc.
Creation of an inert atmosphere in tanks or in the surrounding void spaces to prevent explosive conditions, reduce corrosion or detect leakage.
A system of preventing any explosion in the cargo tanks of a tanker by replacing the cargo, as it is pumped out, by an inert gas, sometimes by flue gas from ship boilers.
1. Flue gas system - If available, flue gas from ship boilers can be used for inerting. The flue gas system washes and cools the boiler flue gas, and delivers it to the cargo tanks during cargo unloading and tank washing.
A device, similar to a boiler, in which fuel is burnt to create exhaust gases which contain less than 5% oxygen. Inert gas generator consists of a combined burner and scrubber, both seawater-cooled.
Blowers are used to deliver the scrubbed flue gas to the cargo tanks. At least two blowers shall be provided.
A condition in which the oxygen content throughout the atmosphere of a tank has been reduced to 8 per cent or less in volume by the addition of inert gas.
Ships designed to perform specialized marine functions such as fishing, drilling, cable or pipe laying, often requiring specialized personnel.
A type of engine in which the fuel is not injected into the main combustion chamber, but is injected into a prechamber instead.
A refrigeration system in which a secondary coolant is cooled by the direct expansion of a primary refrigerant and is then circulated to cool the medium which absorbs heat from the space to be cooled.
A graphic symbol.
The power developed in an engine cylinder. It is determined from an indicator diagram and certain basic information about the engine.
see Cargo tank.
“Independent” means that a piping or venting system, for example, is in no way connected to another system and that there are no provisions available for the potential connection to other systems, (IBC Code).
Deformation of structural members caused by out off-plane loads like bottom slamming and bow impact forces, contact with other objects, etc.
The experiment performed to determine the ship vertical center of gravity. It consists of shifting a series of known weights transversally across the deck when the ship is free to heel.
Any equipment deployed from the survey, towed or normally attached.
The survey of hull plating undertaken in the water. The ship is provided with marks placed on the shell to show borders of tanks, cofferdam etc