5803 results
The CO2 emission index used to evaluate the vessel design. The index compares theoretical CO2 emissions and transport work of a vessel (gCO2 /tnm).
A computer system developed by Alfa Laval. The system optimizes the central cooling operations on board a ship. It monitors the seawater temperature and heat load conditions in order to adjust the pump output to the actual operating conditions.
In 2001 Belgian shipowner Exmar and US charterer Excelerate Energy worked together with Korean shipbuilder Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering (DSME) to develop a flexible solution for the discharge of LNG.
Wärtsilä and Becker Marine Systems jointly developed the Energopac system. With both the propeller and rudder design integrated, each Energopac...
Space bounded by floors, bulkheads and/or decks that may have doors, windows or other similar openings.
Paints in which the binder is dispersed in water. The paints dry as soon as the water evaporates and the emulsified droplets of resin join together to form a solid film.
Any release of substances subject to control by Annex VI of MARPOL 73/78 from ships into the atmosphere or sea. See also exhaust gas emissions.
Advanced pollution prevention and control ship designed to deal with a wide range of potential maritime incidents.
In case the vessels need an emergency tow, they are fitted with two sets of equipment for the purpose. They comprise two 204t SWL Smith brackets fitted forward, two 200t SWL Panama fairleads, and a 7m long and 76mm of diameter Grade 3 chafe chain.
Ships shall be provided with a ship-specific emergency towing procedure based on equipment available on board. The procedure shall include:
Equipment used to tow a ship out of danger in emergencies such as complete mechanical breakdowns, loss of power or loss of steering capability.
Fire and gas detection, fire fighting equipment, emergency generator, etc. that needs to be used in an emergency.
A source of electrical power, intended to supply the emergency switchboard in the event of failure of the supply from the main source of electrical power, (SOLAS).
A purpose-built rescue vessel attending offshore installations. An ERRV should combine good manoeuvrability, enhanced survivor reception and medical after-care facilities, state of art navigational/communications equipment...
All actions through alarm, escape, muster, communications and control, evacuation and rescue.
A special hall or room that has equipment for doing physical exercises.
The 406 MHz satellite EPIRB is a small battery-powered transmitting device designed to provide rapid alerting, identification and accurate location information to search and rescue crews.
A triangular plate, usually fitted to distribute forces at a strength connection between two structural members.
Bosses or lugs on sternpost drilled for the pins (pintles) on which the rudder hinges.
A self-contained compressed air apparatus for escape from a contaminated environment. It consists of a compressed air cylinder with air capacity of 600 litres (15 minutes duration).