5803 results
The process of hoisting into place and welding together the various parts of a ship hull.
A dimensionless parameter used to determine the size and number of anchors and chain cables for a new ship.
Liquids that can be poured and cured at room temperatures. The cured material is tough, solid, durable and unaffected by oils and seawater.
A load that acts on a structure that is the result of environmental conditions (e.g. thermal loads arising from temperature variations etc).
A number of chemical substances react with oxygen or other gases. This reaction may affect the quality of the cargo or can generate a hazardous situation.
A resilient device built into (permanent fender) or hung over the sides to prevent the shell plating from rubbing or chafing against other ships or piers.
A custom form used for the clearance of ships or merchandise.
A thin metal strip of a particular thickness, with the value marked upon it. It is used for the precise measurement of gaps.
Cargo to/from regional ports is transferred to/from a central hub port for a long-haul ocean voyage.
The process of adding various chemicals to the feed water system and then testing samples of boiler water with a test kit.
Distilled water supplied to a boiler, usually by high-pressure pump (feed pump), to compensate for water lost by vapourisation. It is usually treated to remove air and impurities.
A heat exchanger which increases the temperature of boiler feed water, usually by using some form of waste, or exhaust steam that is condensed.
A boiler feed water supply valve which is non-return but can be also regulated.
The strength against crack initiation under dynamic loads during operation.
The maximum number of cycles in load application to a structure that can be applied before the appearance of any effects of fatigue (cracks).
The period during which a structural member may operate without suffering reductions in strength due to the action of repetitive loads.
The ability of a metal component or structure to perform without suffering any consequences of fatigue loadings.
A crack that results from the continued application of a cyclic load.
It refers to the failure of materials exposed to repeated actions of stress fluctuation. It is responsible for a large proportion of cracks occurring in welded ship structural details.
A measure of length, equal to 6 linear feet, used for depths of water and lengths of anchor chain.