5803 results
Capable of being ignited and burnt.
A mixture of hydrocarbon gas and air cannot ignite unless its composition lies within a range of gas in air concentration known as the “flammable range”.
Any fluid, regardless of its flash point, capable of feeding a fire. Aviation fuel, diesel fuel, hydraulic oil (oil based), lubricating oil and hydrocarbon, are considered flammable fluids.
The conditions defining the state of fuel-oxidant mixture at which application of an adequately strong external ignition source is only just capable of producing flammability in a given test apparatus (IBC Code).
An enclosure for electrical equipment which must withstand an explosion of any gas or vapour that enters. No damage must occur and no flammable matter must escape.
A gauze or perforated metal cover over an opening or vent to prevent the passage of flame.
The speed at which a flame propagates along a pipe or other system.
A portable or fixed device incorporating one or more corrosion resistant wire woven fabrics of very small mesh which is used for preventing sparks from entering a tank or vent opening or, for a short time, preventing the passage of flames.
Materials, which interfere chemically with the combustion process, and thereby extinguish the flames. Cooling and removal of fuel is necessary to prevent reignition.
A device, which can detect the ultra-violet or infrared rays given off by a flame. It is used as fire detector near to fuel handling equipment and at boiler fronts.
A permeable matrix of metal, ceramic or other heat resistant material which can cool a deflagration flame, and any products of combustion, below the temperature required for the ignition of the flammable gas on the other side of the arrester.
Lifting the paint from the underlying surface in the form of flakes or scales.
The registration of ships in a country whose profit tax for trading ships is low or whose requirements concerning manning or maintenance are not stringent.
A fixed chain along which a hydraulic motor and sprocket can crawl, driving the hatch cover along the coaming.
A water-based fire-fighting system required by SOLAS 2000-Amendments Regulation 10.5.6 and MSC/ Cir. 913 in order to provide early suppression of a fire in machinery space Category “A”.
A bottom-founded offshore facility permanently secured to the sea floor. The term includes, but is not limited to, fixed platforms, guyed towers, jack-ups, etc.
Carbon dioxide systems, foam systems, halon systems, inert gas systems, water-spraying systems.
Vessels specially equipped for catching and storing fish, whales, seals, walrus or other living resources of the sea.
There are three main ways of catching fish: by towing trawls or dredges, by surrounding fish by nets, by static means.
Any physical device or item that may be placed on or in water with the purpose of capturing, or controlling for subsequent capture, living marine or freshwater organisms.