When precise manoeuvres are required in a marine environment, relying on GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) alone is impractical. Millions of people use GNSS to navigate every day, and everyone has experienced signal loss at some point or situation when the satellite system failed to determine the exact location. This often happens when you are surrounded by tall buildings or structures that obstruct or deflect the satellite signal or when the satellite signal is deliberately blocked or spoofed. Unfortunately, this loss of signal is not limited to the shoreside.
In a marine environment, alternative ultra-reliable positioning technologies are, therefore, required. Wartsila Dynamic Positioning Sensors based on laser and radar technology can provide both local position information (where the vessel is relative to its surroundings), and also situational awareness (regarding what is around the close vicinity of the vessel). This ensures you always have complete view and control of your surroundings, without GNSS gaps and lags.