Digital tunnel
Cyber security

Cyber security

Our cyber security mission is to maximise revenue retention for Wärtsilä and our customers in order to enable sustainable societies through innovation in technology and services.

Reporting an incident

Wärtsilä Product Security Incident Response Team (PSIRT) provides cyber security vulnerability assistance and incident response for Wärtsilä’s customers. PSIRT services prevent and address cyber security incidents at vessels, offshore locations as well as in ICSs to secure continuous business without interruptions.

The incident response process begins from the initial detection of the incident and covers all phases up to and including solving the ongoing issues, and providing lessons learned and suggestions for overall improvement.

Contact us

Cyber security of our products

Wärtsilä has established a Security Development Lifecycle support programme at corporate level, derived from IEC 62443, as a foundation for our product security development. Wärtsilä is progressively certifying selected products in accordance to IEC 62443 and/or Marine Class Society frameworks. Wärtsilä builds cyber security as well as data protection and privacy requirements into our products and services across the industry.

Wärtsilä welcomes collaboration on cyber security with customers and recognises the importance of the work done by the researchers’ community to continue ensuring the safety and security of our customers.

We accept vulnerability reports related to our solutions through our vulnerability disclosure channel.

Wärtsilä cyber services

Cyber services from Wärtsilä are available for Marine and Energy applications.

Wärtsilä is committed to a cybersecure business ecosystem

In this leaflet you can find some of the cyber security behaviours which Wärtsilä recognises as best practices. You are encouraged to follow these recommendations and be an active participant in cyber security, which is a common and shared responsibility.

DNV ISO 27001

Wärtsilä cyber security scavenger hunt

If you would like to gain some new tips or insights around cybersecure behaviours, we invite you to play the Wärtsilä cyber security scavenger hunt! From phishing to posting on social media to passwords and account credentials, this short game aims at warming up your cyber security awareness muscles with a fun twist.

Let’s look at cyber security as both an individual responsibility and a collective civic capability. Together we can take cyber security into our own hands and keep ourselves, our networks, businesses and societies safe!

Scavenger Hunt
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