The new Wärtsilä Variable Injection Timing (VIT) fuel pump element advances the injection timing at part load for Wärtsilä Vasa 32 LowNOx engines. This results in earlier and better combustion, lower fuel consumption and smoother operation.
For more information about the upgrade, fill in the contact form and our sales will get in touch with you.
Technical info
The VIT is an automatic function for Wärtsilä Vasa 32LN engines that controls the injection start depending on the actual engine load and cares for optimum part load fuel consumption.
The VIT injection pump elements are interchangeable with the existing injection pump elements and can be installed during maintenance without any further modifications.
The Wärtsilä VIT Injection pump elements can be installed on all Wärtsilä Vasa 32LN engines. The solution is most beneficial for customers regularly operating the engines on part load.