Performance optimization through turbocharger upgrade for Wärtsilä 38 and Wärtsilä 46

Performance optimization through tu

An upgrade package involving a turbocharger exchange to improve engine output and increase certainty of operation.

In most cases, at 50,000 hour intervals, turbochargers require a major overhaul and the rotating parts need to be replaced. However, instead of carrying out this extensive maintenance work, it can make more sense to utilize Wärtsilä’s upgrade package and exchange the turbocharger to take advantage of the latest generation technology.

The benefits of the efficiency improvements are considerable. A reduction in fuel consumption of up to 4 percent can be achieved, thanks to the optimized engine tuning and higher boost.

    Technical info

    The performance upgrade package is based on the latest, state-of-the-art TPL-C turbocharger featuring higher efficiency and a higher pressure ratio capability. The simple and robust design is based on a cartridge principle, and it requires fewer parts throughout its lifecycle. This new generation turbocharger, combined with the advanced valve timing, improves engine efficiency, while the optimized combustion reduces exhaust gas emissions.


    The turbocharger upgrade will improve the installation’s flexibility through:

    • Increased engine output and improved certainty of operation
    • Improved turbocharger speed margin
    • Reduced need for altitude derating
    • Continuous output at higher air intake temperatures
    • Lower combustion area temperatures and less thermal load on valves
    • Increased safety margin on components and less derating
    • Reduced exhaust gas emissions
    • Improved lifecycle support
    • Latest generation turbocharger with a full service lifetime

    Wärtsilä 38 and Wärtsilä 46 engines in power plant applications



    • Kohinoor Energy

      Turbocharger upgrade brings economy into plant operations.

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      Kohinoor Energy
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