1. Cloud Simulation
2. Smart Realities
3. PC-based networked class for group and team training
under instructor supervision

4. Full mission mode for professional hands-on training in a realistic, immersive ship-like environment

5. Simulator components
6. Instructor workstation: TechSim Instructor Workplace functionality allows exercise preparation, online control and monitoring of student learning process, and exercise briefing and debriefing.
- Dual monitor workstation demonstrating all trainee’s actions during an exercise;
- Three operating modules:
- Exercise Editor – creating and editing of exercises.
- Online control – conducting a Trainees class and monitoring the performance of the exercises.
- Debriefing – loading/viewing of recorded actions. 7
- Intercom and Audio/Video loggers;
- e-Tutor – automated assessment and monitoring system.
7. Trainee workstation:
The simulator provides a realistic representation of the user interface of the cargo control room equipment as well as remote and local operating posts in animated 2D and 3D visualisation, allowing familiarisation and situational awareness training
- Cargo Control Room – set of pages, representing control panels located in the cargo control room of the tanker;
- Computerized Monitoring System / Integrated Automation System – a replica of PC-based control and monitoring systems of the tanker;
- Piping & Instrumentation diagrams of systems– set of piping and instrumentation diagrams with flow animation and the possibility of valves and equipment control;
- Engine Room / Local Operation Posts – set of pages with local control panels for various machinery;
- 3D-Visualization – interactive 3D visualisation of the cargo deck and the cargo machinery room;
- CCTV – closed-circuit television cameras, displaying 3D-visualisation;
- Load Calculator System – application for online and offline calculation of ship stability and strength.
Simulated systems
The following systems are modelled on appropriate ship models:
- Cargo System
- Ballast System
- Ballast Water Treatment System
- Inert Gas System / Dry Air System
- Submerged Hydraulic Driven Cargo Pumping System
- Submerged Electric Driven Cargo Pumps
- Steam Driven Cargo Pumps
- Automatic Vacuum Stripping System
- Cargo Compressors/Vaporizers/Heaters
- Tank Heating System
- Tank Washing System
- ODME System
- Deck wash Fire System
- Gas Detection System
- Remote-controlled Valve Hydraulic Power Pack
- Cofferdam Glycol Heating System
- Insulation Space Nitrogen Control System
- Emergency Shutdown System
- Level and Overfill Alarm System
- Loading Control System (Load Calculator)